I have created a Vivox positional channel, in which each player sets his 3D position every x seconds, if a player moves away from the “audible distance” he is no longer visible to the ActiveChannel participants, and is not heard by “real sound”, but if he re-enters the audible area, and I ask the ActiveChannel, it still returns only one player (it does not detect that there are several) but they can be heard through the “real sound”. What am I doing wrong?
if (VivoxService.Instance.ActiveChannels?.Count > 0)
var channParts = VivoxService.Instance.ActiveChannels[channelName];
Debug.Log(channelName + " Participants COUNT: " + channParts?.Count);
We have a fix coming in our next release related to the participant list not updating correctly after a player leaves and reenters audible distance. @CarloDiGiUnity this looks like it may be the same issue if I’m reading it correctly.
That is correct @NickFromVivox, we are fixing this issue in the next release. You are not doing anything wrong this is an issue on our side. Thank you for sharing this with us!
hello there , i am using vivox with unreal and i am using positional channel but in this channel i call set3d position every .2 second , when a player goes out of other players distance my output log gets spammed with this until i get back to range