VKDBGUTILWARN003 warning spam every frame in android build

I’ve found that our project when built for Android spams every frame the following warning when connected to Unity Editor.

AndroidPlayer "Xiaomi_2211133G@ADB:7a807214:0" VULKAN: GENERAL WARNING: The following warning was triggered: VKDBGUTILWARN003. Please refer to the Adreno Game Developer Guide for more information: https://developer.qualcomm.com/docs/adreno-gpu/developer-guide/index.html
    #0: { name = ExecuteRenderGraph (C0:L/S, DS:L/S), type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_RENDER_PASS, handle = 0xb4000077e04c7400 }

And this warning appears even when I remove all Renderer Features from Renderers and even if I disable GPU Resident Drawer.
Does everyone else have the same problem? Or maybe it’s device specific?(I have Xiaomi 13).

I’ve created a new project and the warning appears too.

There was previously an issue about this bug, but it’s marked as Fixed. Unity Issue Tracker - [Android] The Player throws VULKAN: VALIDATION ERROR VKDBGUTILWARN003 in the logcat when running

Also in our project GPU Occlusion Culling seems to not work because of the VKDBGUTILWARN003 warning, but strangely in the new project the following warning doesn’t appear.

AndroidPlayer "Xiaomi_2211133G@ADB:7a807214:0" [debug] The GPU Occlusion Culling feature is currently unavailable on this device due to suspected driver issues.
[18:09:08.914] frame: 1136

Hi, llporpammep. Could you please report this via the Bug Reporter (“Help → Report a Bug…” in the Unity Editor)? Make sure to do this on your problematic project so it gets attached to the report. Cheers!

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