Void Marauders: turn based space pirates


As a XCOM fan I always wanted to make a similar combat system so I decided to start this project.

In Void Marauders you are a pirate captain, you have to manage a ship, recruit human and alien soldiers and loot and ravage your way across the stars. Here’s an early gameplay test:

I work alone in this game, my main talent is programming but I recently learned to model and texture 3d models so I’m using a combination of my own assets plus store assets.

Other links to follow my development:

IndieDB: Announcing Void Marauders! news - IndieDB

Twitter: x.com

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I have a store page for the game now!

You can see it here: Void Marauders on Steam

Also I have a prototype that I need to turn into a decent demo in 2 months for the Steam Game Festival: Alpha Demo file - Void Marauders - IndieDB

I would have taken more time to make a good trailer and more content for screenshots but I needed to rush this page to participate in the festival. We’ll have to see if it was worth the effort or not.

First alpha trailer:

As a fellow x-com fan I have to say.
Very nice, but you need a better graphics for sure. (more consistent definitely)
Find yourself some people and this might actually be sell-able.

I uploaded a demo to IndieDB in case anyone wants to try it: First demo available! news - Void Marauders - IndieDB

Also here’s a gameplay video:

This looks better than I thought it was going to tbh. How did you make the blood particles “splatter” on the floor colliders?

The blood is a store asset, I think it just projects a decal over some meshes.

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ah…that is my kind of game! Love the fact that it’s in space and not limited to just one planet.

Good work!

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Finally I didn’t participate in the Steam Festival. I took a good look at my current demo and I thought it wasn’t good enough. Now I still intend to participate in the next one with a better demo so I’m taking steps to add a lot of features and create as much of my own 3D content as possible.

Here’s a Raider model I made:

Also here’s an IndieDB article where I talk about some of the new features and plans for the game: