void Start() doesn't change variable value of every GameObject in a list

so I have this script

    private Laser laserScript;
    private Rigidbody2D rb;
    public List<GameObject> pooledLasers;
    public GameObject laserToPool;
    public int laserAmountToPool;

    private void Start()
        laserScript = laserToPool.GetComponent<Laser>();
        rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
        for (int i = 0; i < laserAmountToPool; i++)
            GameObject laser = Instantiate(laserToPool);

and here is the Laser script attached to the GameObject in the list
    public int laserPower;

    void Start()
        laserPower = 1;

when I looked in the inspector, only the very first GameObject in the list have laserPower set to 1.

The other GameObject in the list have laserPower set to 0.

not even the first one should have it set to 1. Start is not run if you instantiate and deactivate it immediately. if you want that to happen though, exchange Start with Awake.
it will be 1 as soon as its activated though.