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Feedback/Features thread: [Released] VoltGizmos v1.3.1 - Community Showcases - Unity Discussions
Volt Gizmos boosts editor’s built-in gizmo, scene view and game view functionalities, improving your workflow, productivity and debug sessions.
But why?
Gizmos can provide us with lots of information about the objects on our scenes, but the default gizmos workflow is clunky and requires lots of clicking.
Extending our scripts with custom gizmos makes debugging and configuration easier, but slows down the editor if we have the script attached to too many gameobjects, what requires us to either toggle it in the gizmos window, make a custom condition that enables / disables the gizmo drawing, or not use gizmos all together.
While in play-mode gizmos can quickly help with finding a problem, but it is tiresome to change their configuration on the go, especially if we are interested in debugging only one kind of a script, making us having to deselect all other gizmos from showing up, and it just gets worse the more scripts we have.
**-**Support for saving and loading of the state of the gizmos, icons and scene camera.
**-**For windows fans: Dedicated window for toggling saved gizmo contexts with one click.
**-**For shortcuts fans: Dedicated shortcuts for toggling up to 10 saved gizmo contexts.
-Pre-configured gizmo contexts for built-in types.
-Plug and play plugin, that doesn’t require a degree in computer science and 10 years of experience to set up and use.
-Drag and drop support for the dedicated window gizmo contexts. Use 10 at the time, store as many as you need.
-Play-mode support that allows you to configure separate from editor’s shortcuts for when you play the game.
-Normal and minimal style, both configurable.
-For initiated: Uses asmdef files and is optimized to not eat up the editor performance. Uses lazy initialization.
-Scripting API.
-Over 100 gizmo icons included.
-Source included.
Additional info:
Supported Unity Versions: 2019.x, 2018.x(legacy)
Required scripting runtime version: .NET 4.x Equivalent
As 2019.1 editor brought us configurable scene view camera, what was not available earlier, legacy version does not support it.
v1.3.1 1.2020
-Support for Unity 2020.1.
-Removed NUnit (test libs) dependency.
v1.3.0 12.2019
-Support for 2019.3 domain reload disabling.
-Added focus functionality.
-enable gizmos only of a selected gameobject.
-Added focus functionality API:
-ShowAllOn() - Shows all gizmos on a provided GameObject, while hiding others.
-ShowAllOnSelection() - Shows all gizmos on a selected GameObject, while hiding others.
-Fixed SetGizmo/SetIcon API not working for build-in types.
-Added new icons.
-GetLastLoadedLayout() doesn’t return null strings anymore.
-Added support for scene shader mode saving/loading.
-Fixed a bug caused by two scripts of the same name and namespace located in two different assemblies.
-Added more style settings to the VGStyle.
-Added hide, show and focus buttons to the VoltGizmos window.
v1.2.0 10.2019
-Added new icons.
-Added editor layout loading support to snapshots.
-Added editor layout API to VG:
-LoadLayout(string name) Loads an editor layout of a given name. – if ENABLED the camera settings will also be loaded.
-GetLayouts() - Returns string of all currently available editor layouts.
-LoadDefaultLayout() - Loads default editor layout.
-GetLastLoadedLayout() - Returns the name of last loaded editor layout.
-Fixed a bug where a data set through SetData() method would draw in the VoltGizmos window only after closing and opening the window again.
-Added multiple VGData files support.
-Added double click open functionality to VGData assets.
-Added VG window open API to VG:
-OpenVGWindow() - Opens the VoltGizmos window.
v1.1.0 08.2019
-Created legacy edition of the VoltGizmos for Unity versions prior to 2019.x.
-Legacy edition supports 2018.x editors with some features cut, which were not available in those
-Style now has a reset to default button.
-Extended scripting API with methods to control gizmos manually outside the snapshots:
-ShowIcon(bool visible) toggle icons for any monobehaviour.
-ShowGizmo(bool visible) toggle gizmos for any monobehaviour.
-ShowAll(bool visible) toggle gizmos/icons for any monobehaviour.
-GetIcon() check icons for any monobehaviour.
-GetGizmo() check gizmos for any monobehaviour.
-Fixed mixed file endlines in VGAnnotations.cs.
-Updated UnitTests.
-Added error notification if the plugin is used in a wrong unity version.
v1.0.0 07.2019
-Initial release.
This is a support thread. For future versions please check out the WIP thread at [Released] VoltGizmos v1.3.1 - Community Showcases - Unity Discussions
Thank you for your support!