VolumeManager.ReplaceData() uses 99% in profiler

Hi guys, I built out a development build that auto connects the profiler and produces a visual studio solution, loaded the visual studio solution and linked profiler.

Im just wondering why VolumeManager.ReplaceData() uses 99% of the time in playerloop (832ms!) - seems like List`1.get_item() is the main culprit in there, is this normal? Is there any way to reduce it? I see some huge spikes and thats always to blame (see picture). Is it because im profiling? I see above something to do with ProfileScope…ctor().

Im using Unity 2021.2.16f + HDRP, I have a global volume in my scene using visual environment, exposure, vignette, HDRI Sky, Shadows, Midtones, Highlights, Screenspace Reflection and Shadows. And I have A LOT of realtime lights (yeh baked would be better but wasted years on that the results are not good).

Actually im not really using shadows so I can turn off :
Shadows, Midtones, Highlights

I see no difference…
even visual environment shows no difference though I assume its needed.

Any thoughts would be nice :slight_smile:

I’m getting this too in 2021.3.3fa - this is literally the only hit for VolumeManager.ReplaceData on the internet - what does this function do? Why is it used? How can I make it much smaller than it is?

yeh! Im wondering if its just the profiler, or if its the render pipeline doing its thing, it spikes pretty ridiculously when it kicks in. I would love to know how to reduce it too :slight_smile:

its just the profiler and you click Deep Profile