Hi guys, I built out a development build that auto connects the profiler and produces a visual studio solution, loaded the visual studio solution and linked profiler.
Im just wondering why VolumeManager.ReplaceData() uses 99% of the time in playerloop (832ms!) - seems like List`1.get_item() is the main culprit in there, is this normal? Is there any way to reduce it? I see some huge spikes and thats always to blame (see picture). Is it because im profiling? I see above something to do with ProfileScope…ctor().
Im using Unity 2021.2.16f + HDRP, I have a global volume in my scene using visual environment, exposure, vignette, HDRI Sky, Shadows, Midtones, Highlights, Screenspace Reflection and Shadows. And I have A LOT of realtime lights (yeh baked would be better but wasted years on that the results are not good).
Actually im not really using shadows so I can turn off :
Shadows, Midtones, Highlights
I see no difference…
even visual environment shows no difference though I assume its needed.
Any thoughts would be nice