Volumetric fog?

There is a volumetric fog option in HDRP Scene Settings Volume, but I don’t understand how to use it. Or it’s not working yet?

It’s not working yet.

New refraction also not woking yet or its only my issue? Have black areas inside of objects with both ray types


“Improve the quality of volumetric lighting reprojection.” under the Improvements group. - Updated today.

Unity 2018.1 RC should be coming out in a few days, Looks like the newest build has Volumetric Fog/Lighting in. (It was here before but it was hidden, only SRP devs could use it)

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Patience all :slight_smile:

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Although note that a couple of the latest fixes and turning on of volumetric lighting codepath by default are shown in the changelog under the 2018.1 undecided section, rather than the previous ones which fell under 2018.1.0f2 in the changelog.

I’m confused about when I might expect to be able to try this stuff using a publicly available unity version. So I’m going to resist making assumptions although I hope for the best.

Is there something volumetric-fog specific in 1.1.5 or are you posting in the wrong thread?

Well 1.1.5 is supposed to have this enabled by default? I am happy to remove my posts about it if that’s not the case. Edit sorry for confusion, I guess we still need to expose it manually. I could have sworn the plan was to turn these on by default for this version.

Its very easy to get confused about this stuff and I hope some of the unnecessary confusion is eliminated soon. For example it is great that the changelogs for the pipelines are there and contain useful info. But since we are presently used to getting versions labelled as 1.1.5 etc, rather than Unity version number, there is certainly room for confusion when trying to match things up to changelog notes. Likewise 2018.2.b1 coming out before 2018.1 final release preparations are complete leaves me wondering whether any of the more recent changes are in the 2018.2 beta yet or not, and whether some stuff on github that doesnt work with the public version of 2018.1 beta will work with the 2018.2 beta.

I mostly figured out that the latest stuff thats been mentioned in this thread in recent days is not in 1.1.5 because of what I already understood from the changelog, and the 1.1.5 release looks to be s snapshot of the 2018.1 branch on github which doesnt have these latest commits relating to volumetric fog.

Anyway although I am completely in favour of the policy of not nagging Unity for release estimates that they cannot provide, I think there is enough volumetric stuff on github now, and mentioned enough in changelog, that someone from Unity might be able to provide just a little more clarity about the timing/versions to expect this stuff, in relation to either 2018.1 or 2018.2 versions of Unity. Or at least confirm or deny whether I have read the available information correctly.

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Since I asked for clarity about my reading of the changelog etc, I suppose I should explicitly spell out what I think it means:

2018.1 release version has a couple of fixes and improvements related to volumetric lighting, but still not on by default.

A presently undecided version of 2018.1/pipeline will enable volumetric lighting code path by default, and already contains a number of fixes relating to volumetric fog and density volumes. I would like to know if its possible we’ll actually end up getting to try these with a 2018.2 beta version before the suitable 2018.1 release is available, or am I barking up the wrong tree?

I suppose I should also point out that the link to the changelog earlier in the thread is likely tied to a specific version of the changelog, and hopefully the following link will always reveal the latest version:


Finally if someone can remind me whether its possible to manually turn on the volumetric lighting code path with existing version, and point me in vaguely the right direction, that would be great. I understand what fixes I’ll be missing, but without these does it work at all at this point if enabled manually with, for example, 1.1.5?

Hey @SebLagarde ,

Could you answer @elbows 's questions or just give us an update on the topic? We’re all really excited about this feature.


@elbows just grab master branch from github and open it with 2018.2 beta. Working perfectly for me


Massive thanks for the tip :smile: Never really being sure whether theres much point trying the master branch with any particular Unity beta release at a particular moment in time has been one of the main frustrations for me, there was a time when the available unity version was quite far out of sync with master HD pipeline so I stopped trying, sounds like I should have tried again with 2018.2 beta, cheers!

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I think I’ll wait until it is available from package manager! That’s quite enough putting my foot in things for one day :slight_smile:

Yay, I got it working using github master and 2018.2b1, thanks for the tip!

It’s in about the state I expected - some limitations of the technique (eg ghosting when moving the lights themselves quickly), lack of area light support etc. And a bit of flickering/vibrating shadows in the volume which are obviously more notable if certain settings are cranked up to silly values, and can hopefully be improved over time.

Spotlight set to box shape works quite well with the volumetric fog as far as I can tell in my very brief testing :slight_smile:

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Yeah, it’s working now, but also it very slow and glitchy.

Wait, how do you guys make the master branch work with x.2 beta?
Oh got it to work, missing a crucial files from the repo :stuck_out_tongue:

I note the local fog density stuff supports a noise texture as of an hour or so ago on master branch. Comes with a utility to convert a 2d texture to a 3d one.

I cant say I had any luck getting it working yet.

Sounds like the HD team are busy creating masterpieces of their own. Can’t wait.