Volumetric fog?

Yes, I get it, blending 2 different scene settings are in no use 99% especially when we can have compositing fog types later. And with all the great features in HDRP, I can see the team is actively working on new features and improvements.

But we need an official answer from Unity staff regarding local Scene Settings!

Also can we have the “Atmospheric Scattering” used in Blacksmith and Book of the Dead in native HDRP? We never achieved looks close to it using traditional exponential fog!

It is available in HDRP.

Maybe devil in detail on that one. eg if I remember properly there is a version of atmospheric scattering that evolved from the blacksmith demo but modified to work with HD in the Book of the Dead project. But the stuff built into the HD pipeline as the main, standard volumetric fog is a different system, and not quite what some people who are used to blacksmith atmospheric scattering are hoping for. But already my memory starts to get a bit, err, foggy about some of this detail so apologies if I got something wrong!

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Also if the past forum activity is any guide, I think it is usually better to ask questions intended for Unity HD pipeline development staff in the main scriptable pipeline feedback thread. eg Seb has been far more likely to reply to questions in that thread (but have to be a little patient as he tends to answer lots of questions in one go, not every day) than all the individual threads people start, including this volumetric fog one.

Feedback Wanted: Scriptable Render Pipelines

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Fine. OK. You win the dad joke of the day :slight_smile:

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Careful now, the scriptable pun pipeline hasnt been put on the official roadmap yet :smile:

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I just double checked : Local scenes settings are here and are working (and blending).
But : Some parameters can’t be interpolated. Like, the fog and sky type (how would you interpolate enums ?)


It is the same for post process, non float values don’t interpolate that well :slight_smile:

Thanks for that reply which makes a lot of sense, and sorry for doubting whether Unity staff would respond here!

Also sorry for my incorrect guesses earlier in the thread about whether any sort of blending was supported at all. People should probably pay attention when I warn that I dont know what I’m talking about with certain features :stuck_out_tongue:

I said native HDRP, not the custom one that comes in BOD, try it and you’ll see a lot of missing callbacks and stuff.

Thanks, I’m actually stuck at defining volumes then, would you tell us how do you create volume objects? About interpolating, you are right but compositing different fog types is going to be implemented right?

The atmospheric scattering is implemented as the volumetric fog and the density volumes.
For compositing volumetric + height based fog, Sebastien already aswered this :

And for creating volume objects :


This is an opportunity for me to make clear that some of the information I put in this thread will become out of date over time, and a lot of it was from before a time when volumetric fog was in a package manager version, and/or before your official post went through all the steps in a comprehensive manner. So better for people to use official sources like that one than things I’ve said in the past!

They can be local, I guess some settings can’t blend yet or might not be able to. They did say they plan to add support for both fog working together in the future.

And I am talking about native.

Hello, I’ve been trying this stuff out and I’m having some pretty weird artifacts, any ideas?

Yes, aware of this but not comparable to the mentioned Atmospheric Scattering unless blended with other fog types for further viewing distances. Because the volumetric fog is mono-colored and all over the place lacking distance/height falloff.

That’s going to be nice but approx. release date? We plan to stick with official releases and not customizing source.

Thank you so much for the complete answer, knew everything except defining the shape by colliders :wink: tested it and everything works fine.

Note: Regarding changing settings in HDRP asset, all settings were grayed out for me and I had to open it in a text editor through file explorer to enable “Increase resolution of volumetrics”!
First had to uncheck the “Read-only” flag in file properties and then change line “increaseResolutionOfVolumetrics: 0” to “increaseResolutionOfVolumetrics: 1”.

Where is it then?

Enable “Increase resolution of volumetrics” in your HDRP asset. For more, read here: https://forum.unity.com/threads/using-the-new-volumetric-fog-features-in-2018-2-hdrp.541085/#post-3567940

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Ah I think I know what has happened there. You have used the HDRenderPipeLineAsset that comes with the HD pipeline package. Files in that package are indeed read only.

You are really supposed to create a new pipeline asset of your own(which contains all the settings) which then lives in your asset folder, and that you then drag to your graphics settings ‘scriptable render pipeline settings’ field.

To create one of these settings files of your own, just right click in the assets project browser, the Create->Rendering->High Definition Pipeline Asset.

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That’s the first thing I thought about but it doesn’t solve the problem and the cost is huge in terms of performance, I think i’m gonna end up having multiple spots for each “crack” in the dome, hopefully it won’t cost nearly as much and it can fake the same effect.