Volumetric Shader: Render Geometry Instead Of Cloud Of Points

I have a file containing all the coordinates of vertices and I read them into an array of Vector3, and I’m currently rendering these points with a ray marching shader on a Texture3D of a cube mesh.

I’m looking for a method to render the geometry those vertices are supposed to construct instead of the collection of points I currently have. Is there already a solution, or is there any suggested algorithm/similar solution to start with? Any suggestions will help, thanks in advance!

Why do you need the geometry? I am doing something similar here. it might be of some help, since it is not as expensive as ray marching

I am baking the vertices and their color in a texture (do this in C++ or python, C#+unity combo will take ages to compute bigger arrays) and using VFX graph I generate tons of quades which I place on the position of the vertex. It is not as good as a geometry, but you can even bake in normal maps and get actual lighting too.

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Hi, thank you for your reply. I use ray marching to obtain slices of the object I’m trying to render. Maybe I don’t need to generate the actual geometry. I’m trying to make the cloud of dots look like a relatively smooth mesh. Your work looks great! I know I’m must be missing something here.