Vote for the next live stream topic

Hey everyone,

In order to give the community the best tips during our live streams, we’re opening a vote to decide on the topic we’ll be discussing during the next stream !

The first one we propose is: Advanced workflow with prefabs.
In this topic we’ll dive deeper in the methods we’re using to take full advantage of the prefab system in Unity.

The second topic is: Tips about GitHub and collaboration.
This topic will contain more information, tips and tricks about how to use GitHub and collaborate in a team (a big team in our case), to contribute smoothly in the same project.

We will close the votes the 1st of December. The winning topic will be presented on the 5th episode of the live streams on the 8th of December.

You can vote HERE for the topic

Thanks everyone, we have 316 votes so far! Although the two topics are really still head to head, and you can still cast your vote.
