Vour - Virtual Tour Creation Tool

HI people,

My 360 look bit ugly yes. They have very bad aliasing.

  • The 360 is an 8K.

a) When its played directly on the headset (be a Pico4 or a Quest2) looks pretty decent.
b) When Its included in a 360 tour and output as APK it looks quite bad.
c) When viewed through Unity o the PC looks sharp.

How come there is this difference?

Increased its resolution to 8K, disabled mipmpaps, in the build settings override so there is no texture limit size.

Thanks for your help.


I have heard that some people have problems with the resolution on Pico headsets. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you what you can do, as I don’t have a Pico headset myself. Perhaps there are some rendering settings that the Pico plugin provides?

Hello. Thank you very much for creating this it has helped me out a lot. I’m able to create a tour and it looks awesome, but I’ve noticed there a line where the 360 image joins and I was wondering how to remove that line?

Thanks for the kind words, Chandler!
As for your question: Just unchecking “Generate Mip Maps” on each texture should do the trick!

I can’t find a way to lock position after using “Center Editor camera” so my view stays center after rotating editor camera.

The position is indeed not locked, because you should only rotate by right-clicking and dragging. Could you explain why you would like to lock the position?

Ah Thanks! OK. right clicking & dragging works. I was using option key and LMB and that didn’t work.

is there a way to change the fov of the camera ?

For the camera in the editor, there is a settings menu in the scene view.
For the player’s camera, select the prefab in the “Vour/Prefabs/Players” folder, select the camera and change the FOV.

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Hello is there any way for adding telepoints to the location automatically as I have many locations?

Unfortunately, you can’t automatically add teleport points because the function can’t determine the location connections. You would need to manually specify the location connections and teleport point positions, which is the same as doing it manually.

The video controls don’t work on Quest 2. How can I fix that?

Could you please clarify what exactly isn’t working? Are the UI elements not responding? Is the video not responding to your actions?

The UI elements do respond but when I change scene they stop responding. Happens only in Quest2 but works in the editor

Is there a way we can change the current playing video?

Could you please check for errors in Android Logcat when the app is running on the Quest?

Changing the current playing video would work by switching to a different location that is configured with the video you want to play.
Changing the current playing video in the same location is not something Vour is designed for. However, you could try changing the video of the current location and then teleporting to the current location you are already in to reset it.