Hi Guys,

I am exited to create a Voxel World and almost created the structure of it.

I wanted to know is there a way I can get rid off the starcase effects of cubes arrangement ?

For example - Let say I have a Set of 1000+ cubes in like a terrain, so whenever I want to have a height it should be smooth not staircase look (Like Mine craft).

Please do let me know if there’s any algo which I can follow to smoothen it up !

Layers of perlin noise (terrain), noodles (cave systems) and approximation.

Use angles other than 0° and 45°?

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I suspect what you’re looking for is called marching cubes (or other similar methods). Googling the term should find you lots of resources but here’s 2.

this is sort of the go to explanation of how it works

this is a video of someone messing around with it and making some nice looking terrains

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