I’m trying to rotate one eye in a VR camera without rotating its forward vector. To Illustrate below the top half of the image is what happens when I rotate the right eye anchor. What I need is what is displayed in the bottom half.
I need to be able to do this because I’m developing something for people with strabismus. In layman’s terms these people have eyes that don’t converge in the same way as the general population(think lazy eye or cross eyed, walleyed…etc)
Simply rotating one camera in unity works great as long as the person wearing the HMD never moves or rotates his head. As soon as the person moves his head(rotation, position or both) each eye wants to move in the direction of the forward arrows which as you can imagine produces some pretty wacky results.(Imagine your right eye drifting away from your head as you lean forward).
Any help would be much appreciated!