I just started a simple VR project following this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGYtahQjmWQ
But I have a trouble with my VR controllers that are located on my left and not front of me. I don’t understand why, and what to do to solve it.
I am using the Oculus Quest 3 with the touch controllers.
Here is the project structure:
Here the Rig:
Here the Tracked Pose Driver of the camera:
And here one controller (left, the right is identical besides the side)
If you need more info, please let me know.
Also, I don’t know if it’s linked, but in my Hand Presence
object I have a script that look for all XR devices and only the HMD is found, not the controllers (even if they are displayed and listed in the XR Interaction Debugger)
void Start()
List<InputDevice> inputDevices = new List<InputDevice>();
foreach (InputDevice inputDevice in inputDevices)
Debug.Log(inputDevice.name + inputDevice.characteristics.ToString());
Meta Quest 3HeadMounted, TrackedDevice
So, what it the parameter I should change to have the controllers in front of me?
Thanks in advance