VR Driving Game with Glitching Hands Plz Help!

Hi, I have recently encountered a problem while developing a VR game that involves in car self driving and such and I am developing with SteamVR. I placed the “player” gameobject as a child of the car, as a result, the player moves with the car, but the problem is, as the car is moving(with acceleration and such), the hands will appear to be jittery, sometimes they will flash a lot. What’s more, the hands will appear to slide forward and backward with the car speed changes, as if the headset has lost tracking on them. I tried recalibrate the devices and restart SteamVR and such, but none worked. It’s interesting tho, when I placed a cameraRig instead of a player, the hmd seem to have no problems in tracking the controllers on screen at all( no glitching, so sliding back and forth). Help! Do you have any idea why this is happening?? Also, I am developing using Oculus Rift.

hello, did you find a solution?