Hi, I keep battling a bug in my VR game for a very long time. I am using a stateful collision buffer (as in unity’s GitHub), and then reacting to a collision between a ball and a racket by sending haptic feedback and sharing the hit’s information in the network through a gameobject that tracks the buffer in the timesteps of havok.
The problem was that when I run the game inside the editor and even by building it to windows it works perfectly fine on my device, but when I am compiling it into my oculus it would be very inconsistent (sometimes it will skip hits). I decided to get into the stateful collision buffer system code and change all the schedules to run in order to make the buffer run on the main thread. Now it still works on windows and the editor, in the VR it works well but only the first time that I open the build, as soon as I close the application the game will not give away haptic and network updated anymore.
Has anyone encountered this issue? Is there anything that could cause the game to only work properly the first time?