I am trying to make a lever for throttle and a joystick for rotation of a vehicle in VR. This is my first time working with joints of any kind, and I’m having an issue where the stick is coming loose from the anchored body when the stick is grabbed and pulled too far, but returns to the correct spot when I move it back near the anchor.
Hey @Wherritt, we have an example of a lever and a joystick in our XRI Examples repository that you should be able to use for reference:
Joystick: XR-Interaction-Toolkit-Examples/Assets/XRI_Examples/UI_3D/Scripts/XRJoystick.cs at main · Unity-Technologies/XR-Interaction-Toolkit-Examples · GitHub
Lever: XR-Interaction-Toolkit-Examples/Assets/XRI_Examples/UI_3D/Scripts/XRLever.cs at main · Unity-Technologies/XR-Interaction-Toolkit-Examples · GitHub