VR mode brings very high CPU load without Oculus Rift

I’ve noticed standalone executables built with Unity 5.1.1p2 “Virtual Reality Supported” checked bring massive CPU load when Oculus Rift is not connected. It also makes the program very unresponsive (0.5-1 seconds lag on mouse and keyboard). In editor it works fine.

Any ideas on what’s going on?

Unity 5.1.1p2
GeForce GTX 980m
Intel i5-4690K @ 3.5GHz
Nvidia Driver Version 344.91
Windows 8.1
Oculus Runtime

Also posted on Oculus forums, https://forums.oculus.com/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=24446

Could you file a bug report and post the bug report number here. I’ll forward this to our QA team once we have the number. This should result in the same performance as if Oculus is enabled and the HMD exists and then you disabled Virtual reality using the VRSetting. Is the performance the same between these two cases for you?

Will update with bug report number soon.

Original Case:
VR Support Enabled
HMD Does not exist
= Latent Performance in Build
= Normal Performance in Editor
Case 2 (Updated)
VR Support Enabled
HMD Exists
Disable VR using VRSetting
Same results as original case
= Latent Performance in Build
= Normal Performance in Editor

VR Support Enabled
HMD Exists
Turn Off HMD
= Starts in VR camera mode, reverts to single camera mode and works correctly in Editor and Build

Filed! Case 708840

Thanks for the help.

Any updates on this?

Here’s the issue tracker page if anybody wants to vote for the bug.

I was able to reproduce the issue on 5.1.1p3, but was unable to reproduce on the next upcoming patch internally. I’m investigating which change inadvertently may have fixed this issue. I’ve asked out QA team to further investigate reproducing the issue with the beta builds as well.

Great news! Do you know if this is fixed in 5.2.0b1? The release notes didn’t mention anything regarding VR.

Hi Ed,

I’m still able to reproduce the issue in 5.1.1p4. Are you able to repro in this patch?

Also, what issue is this a duplicate of in the issue tracker?


I tested p4 before it shipped and I was unable to reproduce there. I will give it another shot though.

The new issue tracker link is this: Unity Issue Tracker - [VR] VR-Enabled Standalone Build Experience input lag when Rift is Disconnected

Excuse the weirdly named URL. There is no way for me to update the URL though I have changed the description of the bug.

Thanks for the quick response. I’m testing on p4 on a mac.


I have similar issues since weeks. Everytime I build an executable and the “Virtual Reality Supported” box is checked, I get strange noises from my GPU and speakers, also the complete application is very laggy (very obvious on UI Buttons, which get highlighted ~0.5sec after I hovered above them).
The issue is worst when I build a VR Application and disable VR at runtime so that I can also use the application ordinary.

Tried it with 5 different systems. 3 of them (Nvidia GPUs) have this issue, 2 haven’t (AMD GPUs). Don’t know if it’s GPU related, but I just want to mention this.

I also send in a bug report, an employee replied and confirmed that he could reproduce the issue on most (but not all) computers. He asked for more informations, which I sent in. This was weeks ago, but I never got a reply again.

I have tried all Unity 5.1.x versions available and different Oculus runtimes.

Could the issue may be caused by the number of frames the game is running at? I build in a fps counter. And when the application is shown as VR I get 75 frames. Not more, not less. But when I then switch the game to normal desktop mode, I get hundreds or thousands of frames, and then the noise is much louder.

Hope the issue can be solved.


For me Unity 5.1.1p4 doesn’t fixed it. Can someone tell me why “Application.targetFrameRate” doesn’t work with VR?
I think the problem could maybe fixed if you could somehow limit the fps.


Having similar issue.

When I run my build without the Rift on the PC I built the program on I get strange jerky camera movement.
When I run it on any other PC the camera movement is fine its just ten seconds late.
The framerate is quite stable and very high.
Also if it helps, when running in the rift the picture is smooth but I get some pretty brutal motion blur on my monitor
