VR not receiving controller position and rotation, but other buttons work fine

Unity Version: 2020.3.23f1
XR Interaction toolkit Version 2.0.0-pre.6
XR Plugin Management Version 4.2.1
Input System Version 1.2.0

My problem is that unity doesn’t receive input of position and rotation of quest 2 controllers.
They are stuck in the ground, other inputs such as trigger and grip buttons are received.

I am using the XR origin, and on the hands i have the XR Controller (Action Based), i have tried every hand position input action i could find and nothing works. It is strange because XRI LeftHand/ some action works on everything except rotation and position.

Solved it!

By upgrading the OpenXR Plugin from the verified version 1.2.8 to version 1.3.1 got my hands working again (position and rotation, buttons always worked).