VR panoramic stereoscopic video renderer

VR Panorama
I’m working on a Unity Asset that can render animated 360 panorama videos that can be viewed with Gear VR.
It renders out a PNG sequence, with a stereo top-bottom spherical panorama (2048x2048 resolution).

-top bottom stitched stereoscopic image sequence (but you will have to use some video editing software like Premiere or After Effects to export a video into a mp4 format readable with GearVR)
-Stitching and warping is done on render time, so there’s no need to use panorama stitching software. I’ve tried to make stitching as seamless as possible, but some artifacts may still be present (as for any stereo panorama).
-simple setup with some precautions (drop a Panorama camera prefab into a scene, and set your output folder)
-non realtime (but relatively fast) rendering. Rendering time depends on a scene complexity and hardware. For example: a scene that works at 75fps on Rift, will be rendered at approx. 2-4 fps.
-support for deferred HDRI rendering
-support for some camera image effects (like Glow, Ambient Occlusion, Tonemapping), to some extent as screen space effects may introduce visual artifacts.
Here you can download test video (put it in a Note4 folder: (Galaxy Note4)\Card\Oculus\360Videos)

This can be a fast way to port a Oculus project for demoing on GearVR, or for making animations in 360.

It could be also usefull to record video for the oculus and create a vr trailer of a game.

Combined with some kind of replay mode it would be awesome to render 2k or 4k at the optimuns rate. Lets say 90hz.

Yes. And also, with youtube that now has a 360 video support, you can do a lot of things. Here is an example of a video that I posted before but on youtube.


I think that you have to use Chrome on PC or Mac. Best experience is with android phone or tablet (no support for Iphone yet). On PC use your mouse to move around scene.
This is a nice and efficient way to present your work to someone that doesn’t have Oculus or GearVR.

It can render for 4k and in any framerate (if your final device supports it). But my suggestion is to go for resolution, instead of framerate. (25-30fps will mostly do fine). Framerate is important in head tracking, and display refreshing, but not on moving objects inside video. Think of a normal static stereo panorama, it doesn’t have framerate, but it doesn’t create motion sickness.

Ah men its true. You will rotate your head smoothly because its just a vid. I messed up miself. Was not aware of the youtube support.

Hi, I’m just exporing unity as a newcomer and looking to create a spherical HD video and live feed it to Vive goggles. You seem to be way ahead of me in this respect. Could you let me know if what i porpose is do able (before i open my mouth to my employer).

Very cool, but don´t we need Side-by-Side for VR-devices?

No, you can’t live feed a video stream from this plugin, as it doesn’t work realtime, and probably won’t work realitime in a near future, as you would need a extremely fast GPU for rendering, and even faster CPU for compressing a video stream. I’m also afraid that HD resolution isn’t enough for 360 stereoscopic videos as you would end with a pixelated video (and probably with much of artifacts).

No, you can use Side by side, or top-down videos, it makes no difference. By the way, Gear VR will detect it automatically. I prefer and advice you to use top down videos, as they have more horizontal resolution. Having more horizontal resolution will give you a more precision in stereoscopic field (as our eyes see a subtle differences on horizontal axis).

Here is another short, Star Wars 7 based 360 video, made in Unity with my VR panorama camera.

olix4242 are you going to be providing more info. I am trying to achieve something similar, but I am stuck.
I only need a still Vr pano’s atm.


When you release this asset?any chance to get beta?
