Using code tags properly Please read that post.
Afterwards, I would have a look at the tutorials page, pick one and go through it. Rinse and repeat.
I believe your question is that you want to periodically save the player’s position until he reaches a certain position.
Your code currently registers one and only one position called during awake :
rowDataTemp[2] = Player.transform.position.ToString("G4");
If you want to save the position at different times you need to actually save the position at a… different… time.
Here’s a sample code which should be easy to modify :
public class SavePlayPos : MonoBehaviour
public bool recording = true;
public Transform recordTransform; // The transform's position you want to save
private Dictionary<float, Vector3> positions = new Dictionary<float, Vector3>();
private float delay = .5f;
private void Start()
private IEnumerator RecordPosition()
while (recording)
positions.Add(Time.time, recordTransform.position); // Record the position at this current time
yield return new WaitForSeconds(delay); // Wait X seconds before recording the position again
// Done recording
// Save the dict to a csv or any other format with any other code
Anyways, I would suggest starting with the basics.