VR Recenter View & Unity5.4 B17

Hello guys,

I’ve started to use the Unity 5.4 b17 but i have an issue with the recenter function.

When i use UnityEngine.VR.InputTracking.Recenter(); with Unity 5.3, Unity 5.4 b12-16 i have no problems but since Unity 5.4 b16 and with the last 5.4 b17 i can’t get it work.

I’m using the 0.8 oculus runtime, the 1.3 can’t be use for our needs.

Here is my code :

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.VR;
using System.Collections;

public class ResetView : MonoBehaviour {
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () {
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update () {

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.C))

        if (Input.GetKeyDown("joystick button 7"))

        if (Input.GetKeyDown ("joystick button 7"))


The native Oculus integration in b17 uses the 1.3 SDK plugin, whereas previous versions used 0.8. Replacing the plugins in the Unity\Editor\Data\VR install folder with the older 0.8 ones. might work. Before b17 we had to do this process to use the 1.3 SDK since Unity shipped with 0.8.

Thanks Joshenes and sorry for the late reaply (i was gone to something else, now i’m back to this problem).

Unfortunatly it doesn’t works, tried to replace the VR folder with the one of previous version but it doesn’t fix the recenter issue.

Any idear ?

I’m not aware of any issues with Recenter. I’ve asked QA to repro and send a bug.

As of b16 there is no need to replace the oculus plugins, we include the new plugin by default.

The Recenter function works fine for Oculus CV1 using 5.4.0b19 on runtime 1.3 >. Can you provide some more details or perhaps a small repro project to help us investigate?

