I’ve removed the Oculus SDK as was advised and enabled the VR feature. I’m on the latest Oculus Runtime as well. It runs overall pretty great and reliable for me, but I only see shadows from my light sources on the left eye and no shadows at all on the right eye. Looking in the release notes, I noticed “VR Optimization: Render shadows only once and share between eyes”, so I’m guessing that change is why. But is it just me? I’ve not seen anyone else report the issue. Is there anything I can try to do, aside from making a bug report?
I’ve not yet seen this issue reported as well. Are you noticing the shadows only render in the left eye with a new project or only with the project you removed the Plugins from? Have you restarted the Editor since removing the plugins?
I restarted the Editor several times since the removal, yes. I couldn’t reproduce it in a new project with a scene built out of primitives, so I’m inclined to say it only occurs in my upgraded project. My project is far too huge to send as repro, but I’ll see if I can trim a copy of it down to something I can send you as a bug report in the next few days.
Interesting. If it helps, I upgraded an older project and my shadows are rendering correctly in VR so I don’t think it’s a blanket issue for upgraded projects.
Shadows are working fine in my project.
I sent a bug report with a trimmed version of my project, case number 691307
You can actually use that repro for the other shadow issue from case 675883 , too, in case you needed something more to test with because that’s unfortunately still an issue in 5.1 as well with no updates regarding a fix in sight.
Anyway thank you for investigating these issues
Unfortunately, nobody has acknowledged or looked into the ticket (691307) I wrote for this and the issue persists in all betas including the currently latest b6. With the announcement of RC coming up I worry this will never be fixed. What is going on?
@darky My apologies for missing your response. I will download your project and try to reproduce. Have you already tried creating a new project in 5.1 and dropped your projects assets into the new project to see if the issue persists? Is there anything specific that you have found to cause the problem?
Thank you, Ed. It’s been a while but I believe I assembled the Repro that I attached to the case in a new project with imports from a unitypackage and the issue still appeared there. Other than that I’ve always been upgrading copies of the entire project so far. Also the Repro attached to the case was a very hasty upgrade test, but I did a more proper and careful upgrade with a new copy yesterday and the issue is the same there.
I have found no cause, but frankly I haven’t been looking very hard either since that bug (+ the new bugs since) are a no-go for my development so I’ve been preferring to spend my time in 5.0.1 - it’s just the RC announce and lack of response on this had me worried enough to check it out again.
One thing of interest to me is that whenever I upgrade my project, all of the image effects on my Cameras loose all their references. I restore them by reverting to the Prefab that I have in my real project. Another thing of interest to me are that my other shadow issues (675883) were acknowledged and confirmed, but it’s been a while with no fix and I haven’t seen others report it (much like with this one here) which got me wondering if there is some sort of relationship between whatever caused that issue and is now causing this issue with the native VR integration. Or maybe it’s just superstition.
I hope you can confirm the issue on your end with the repro, as I’d really like to use the native VR with the final 5.1
I updated to RC2 and I have a few more findings:
It’s not only the shadow, it’s the whole Light Source being omitted on the right eye (somehow I failed to convey that in the thread so far)
“Forward” rendering mode shows the light / shadow on both eyes. Not all light sources are active then because of the pixel light limitation, but those that were casting shadows rendered on both eyes. On Deferred it bugs out, and perhaps that’s why so far I’m the only one reporting this since a lot of people use Forward in their VR projects.
The shadow / light actually doesn’t always fail. I was taking a still screenshot and noticed that actually depending on where I look, some shadows in the background flicker in and out of existence. That doesn’t happen with all of them, though, like the shadow on the ceiling never appears.
Tried re-importing the project fresh (exported everything to a unitypackage and reimported in a new project) > same results.
I’ve seen something similar to the light disappearing happen with reflections but rather than the object with reflection disappearing, the reflection map was turning a solid color. You are seeing this in both the Editor and the standalone build correct?
Correct, the light / shadow disappears both within the Editor and in the Build. I tried disabling the Reflection Probe for that room as a test to see if there’s a relation to what you said, but it didn’t change anything.