VR SLI (NVIDIA VRWorks) question

Hey guys!

At the last GDC, NVIDIA announced they are working on VRWorks integration with Unity, including so much wanted VR SLI feature:

But I can’t find any news about this.
Will we see it in 5.4 \ 5.5?
Could anyone from UT shed some light on this?



We want answers!


I’ve managed to get this portion of the info so far: “we’re definitely still working on it with NVIDIA” and “Don’t know about the release version…sorry!”.
These are the answers from Amir Ebrahimi from UT labs, he is working on the Unity VR (aka Carte Blanche).

It’s much better than nothing for sure, though it would be super awesome to know a little bit more about this, like when approximately to expect this feature.

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Agreed I have a very complex personal project and have my second GTX1080 Founders edition in SLI. May be forced to use Unreal for this one…

@garyhaus BTW I thought UE have same problem, saw similar NVIDIA announcement about VR SLI regarding UE and similar questions on their forums…

With UE4 the situation with nvidia stuff tends to be more complex and press releases are sometimes confusing or misleading.

By this I mean that since UE4 source code is available, nvidia usually end up making loads of different branches of different versions of UE4 that include one or more bits of nvidia technology. In the case of VRWorks stuff, including VR SLI, there is a branch of UE4.11 which has been extensively modified to create the ‘VR FunHouse’ game/demo & associated mods.

What has not happened much at all is any of these nvidia technologies making it into the standard branches of UE4, with actual support from Epic. Perhaps that will eventually happen with a couple of technologies but its pretty rare to hear anything from Epic about this at all, and thats why I usually consider press release that make it sound like ‘Epic are adding this nvidia stuff to UE4’ to be rather misleading.

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What I do find weak from the Unity side is that as best I can tell, there is not a single VR feature listed in any of the roadmap sections apart from the already released 5.4.x branch.

I understand the reality of things being announced rather early via glowing press releases. But if I ran the world I’d probably make it a rule that you don’t get to make a song and dance about such positive news without at least having to put the features somewhere on a roadmap within 6 months of the press release :wink:

Sorry, I was looking at was announced(Unreal), and hadn’t looked closely enough yet. Right now I get ZERO benefit from the second card in my project in Unity.

A few shots of my work in progress project:

It’s finally here looks like!


Sounds good. tried to apply for access, but who know how long it will take.