Hi developers! I (actually we) am considering making VR utilities in Unity. I want to know your opinions.

If I offer VR utilities, what things are necessary or optional?
What functions are frequently used in VR development?
Or, I want to know what is tough thing when you develop VR Software or Game.

You can tell me your personal experience. like “I had a trouble when I use XXX sdk. There is a script for YYY, and it works not like what I thought” Furthermore, if there are anyone who has an experience with unreal, please talk to me your thoughts like… “something is offered in unreal vr, but unity doesn’t. it’s a little annoying”.

All of your opinions would be valuable!! And if you can suggest me some idea for make VR development more easier, please let me know. Thanks!!

A GUI. Normal one doesn’t work with oculus. I need to use render to texture I guess.

I have been exclusively using the Unity UI with a separate WorldSpace camera with no issues at all.

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Yes that’s right. When I set the UI for world space rendering, it doesn’t have error.
Just I felt something uncomfortable to use it. Don’t you have such experience?

Only at first as I have just gotten the Rift and was using older utilities at first and skimming from older docs speaking to UI issues and special camera rigs. I ended up using just a straight Unity camera and the Unity UI and everything just worked out of the box… I can simply toggle VR on and off to go from VR to 2D desktop mode…at least in a Rift build. The toggling using V key is NOT working in Vive builds.

I’d love to have a way to show ads (banner, interstitial, and video) in VR mode.