Hi developers! I (actually we) am considering making VR utilities in Unity. I want to know your opinions.
If I offer VR utilities, what things are necessary or optional?
What functions are frequently used in VR development?
Or, I want to know what is tough thing when you develop VR Software or Game.
You can tell me your personal experience. like “I had a trouble when I use XXX sdk. There is a script for YYY, and it works not like what I thought” Furthermore, if there are anyone who has an experience with unreal, please talk to me your thoughts like… “something is offered in unreal vr, but unity doesn’t. it’s a little annoying”.
All of your opinions would be valuable!! And if you can suggest me some idea for make VR development more easier, please let me know. Thanks!!
Yes that’s right. When I set the UI for world space rendering, it doesn’t have error.
Just I felt something uncomfortable to use it. Don’t you have such experience?
Only at first as I have just gotten the Rift and was using older utilities at first and skimming from older docs speaking to UI issues and special camera rigs. I ended up using just a straight Unity camera and the Unity UI and everything just worked out of the box… I can simply toggle VR on and off to go from VR to 2D desktop mode…at least in a Rift build. The toggling using V key is NOT working in Vive builds.