VRTK interact highlights while timeline is animation the property (even when idle)

I have discovered that timeline still animates the property even when the clip has ended or before the clips begin. This causes all kinds of weird behavior when I’m trying to use VRTK Highlighter on the same object that is being animated by timeline. - changing color both from Timeline and VRTK Highlighter.
I can’t disable the animator or timeline as it has more properties to animate while playing the pre-recorded sound clip. What should I do?
Please help!

As for now, we have a small workaround - under the rendered objects that are animated with animator we have its clone so that VRTK highlighter will use the clone instead of the parent. This was we have twice as many objects, which is not ideal, but this way there is no need to pause timeline/animator, rename an object, or something like this. Please, give us better advice if you have one!

Turn off extrapolation on the clip. Holding the animation is the default behaviour of an animation timeline clip before and after the clip, but that can be disabled in the inspector for the clip.