VS 2017 update 15.8 and Unity 2018.2, can't deploy

Since upgrading to the latest VS 2017 update, version 15.8, everything builds fine but we get this error when trying to deploy to devices with a UWP build.

DEP0700: Registration of the app failed. [0x80073CF6] AppxManifest.xml(28,27): error 0x80070002: Cannot install or update package MyApp_ph1m9x8skttmg because the splash screen image [SplashScreen.png] cannot be located. Verify that the package contains an image that can be used as a splash screen for the application, and that the package manifest points to the correct location in the package where this splash screen image can be found.

Any ideas?


QA just hit this internally yesterday. It has something to do with the later VS update - it didn’t use to happen with the previous VS update. Unfortunately at this point we haven’t investigated it yet, so I don’t have a concrete solution. Did you try poking at the manifest in Visual Studio to see if you could fix the splashscreen issue?

Found a workaround that you can use for now until we come up with a real fix. Open generated project.vcxproj, find splashscreen setting and change ExcludeFromResourceIndex property to false:

<None Include="Assets\SplashScreen.scale-200.png">

Thank you!

Another update: we have a fix coming. It is tracked by case 1071331, which should appear on the issue tracker soon.

We have the same issue with Unity 2017.4.8f1

From StormBringerStudios

“Just Got Visual Studio 2017 15.7.6 version. works like a charm.
So Here is my Solution is anyone will search this kind of problem DONT USE VS 2017 15.8.X.
Downgrade to 15.7.6 and you will be good :slight_smile: Microsoft certification also passed.”

btw, the workaround is not working for my problem.

I have a different error:
2>MakeAppx : error : The mapping file can’t be parsed. The error occurs at line 77.
2>MakeAppx : error : Package creation failed.
2>MakeAppx : error : 0x8007000b - Es wurde versucht, eine Datei mit einem falschen Format zu laden.

For this error you’ll have to downgrade to Visual Studio 2017 15.7.x. We’re still investigating the underlying issue.

Any update on this?

Has there been a fix released for this yet?

The fix landed to 2017.4.12f1 and 2018.2.9f1. They aren’t released yet, but will soon be.

where i can find this file? i search in my project but can’t found it!!

i try to downgrade visual studio, but i don’t know how should do it? I unstall it, then install (installer) then i choose 15.7
after that it ask some updates, and back to new version !!

Unity creates it when you build to UWP with IL2CPP scripting backend.

oh i find it is (projectname.vcxproj) right? i can build the game but View Final Report (Overal Result Faild) with same problems that i don’t know how solve it !!

I upload the report file, please check it.

*note: convert it to html type.

3849304–325504–ValidationResult.txt (27.9 KB)

“Supported API test” will pass when you build in Master configuration. That is the configuration you’re supposed to use to ship your game.

These errors:

Image reference "Assets\Square44x44Logo.png": The image "C:\Program Files\windowsapps\59971sarhansoft.thwart_1.1.6.0_x86__scsytny28b9p2\Assets\Square44x44Logo.png" is missing from the package.
Image reference "Assets\Square150x150Logo.png": The image "C:\Program Files\windowsapps\59971sarhansoft.thwart_1.1.6.0_x86__scsytny28b9p2\Assets\Square150x150Logo.png" is missing from the package.
Image reference "Assets\Wide310x150Logo.png": The image "C:\Program Files\windowsapps\59971sarhansoft.thwart_1.1.6.0_x86__scsytny28b9p2\Assets\Wide310x150Logo.png" is missing from the package.

can be worked around by setting “ExcludeFromResourceIndex” property in the project file to false.

I am running Unity 2018.2.21f1 and I am still encountering this problem. I have Visual Studio 2017 version 15.9.8 and would like to avoid downgrading. I tried to apply the workaround mentioned earlier, but I cannot locate the ExcludeFromResourceIndex property anywhere in the solution file (.sln) or the project file (.vcxproj). If you or someone could help point me to where I should be looking or offer other solutions for this, that would be much appreciated.


You are likely facing a different issue. You cannot locate that because we fixed it in an earlier release. Without knowing the specifics of the errors you get, I can’t really help you.

It’s the same issue as the original post described with the SplashScreen.png not being located error. I was previously building with .NET, but I switched to IL2CPP because it said that .NET was deprecated and have gotten this error since then.

Can you paste the full contents of the output window in VS after you get this error?