Has anyone go this working? I converted my 4.6 project to 5.0 and tried to setup use of VS in Preferences but when I try to open my project I get a bunch of errors about “Program that created this project is not installed”. It also suggest a link to Microsoft site but I don’t see anything useful there.
I’ve not seen any threads about this so I’m guessing I’ve just not done something right?
Thanks all.
Did you install Visual Studio Tools for Unity?
Are you using VS 2013 or the 2015 Preview? 2013 Should work just fine. Microsoft has added code coloring for shaders in 2015 Preview. You’ll need to install Visual Studio Tools for Unity and then in your start menu you’ll find it and it will run a .unitypackage that will import into your project. It’ll automatically set your target to Visual Studio and you’ll get new menus at the top.
I’ve been using it since beta 4, its awesome and works great.
I’m actually installing CTP 6 right now 
I’ve been using UnityVS with VS 2013 since 4.6, but it just wouldn’t work with 5.0. Turns out all I had to do was go to Assets > Synv MonoDevelop Project… all working now 
Thanks anyway guys.