So, I code on two machines, and use version control to swap from one to the other.
The core problem is one of my machines doesn’t generate a VS solution that is proper and debuggable, while the other one does.
On the proper one, the solution that gets generated by VS Tools contains 4 projects:
- Unity Project.CSharp
- Unity Project.CSharp.Editor
- Unity Project.CSharp.Editor.Plugins
- Unity Project.CSharp.Plugins
All my code is in the first, and i can Debug that project to hook onto Unity and debug the scene.
However, on my other machine with is the exact setup (as far as I know), the solution contains these projects instead:
- Assembly-CSharp
- Assembly-CSharp-Editor
- Assembly-CSharp-Editor-firstpass
- Assembly-CSharp-firstpass
All of these are library projects, and cannot be debugged as such. Also, any additional (outside) projects I add to the solution get removed when I reopen VS. This is not the case on my “working” machine; I can add/keep outside projects.
Things I’ve tried to solve it:
- Closing Visual Studio → Reopening via Unity → Assets → Open C# Project
- Copying over all the solution/project files from my Unity Project on my working machine
Neither seem to have an effect on the solution.
Both machines have:
- Unity v5.2.0f3 personal
- Visual Studio 1015 Community v4.6.00079
Any ideas?
Much appreciated!