I have already been on tons of websites that may have had the answers to this problem, but none of them worked. I am trying to program a script, but I can’t find the errors because VScode isn’t showing the errors, and unity is telling me to fix the compiler errors. This makes me have to debug everything by hand. Please help.
First please check if the language setting in VsCode is set to C#. You can see this in the blue footer of vs code on the right hand side. If you hover over it it should say “language settings”. If you click on it you should be able to select C#.
If this does not solve the issue or is already the case consider uninstalling VSCode and starting anew following these steps in this guide:
Sorry that I didn’t answer for a few days, but… I tried both of the suggestions and none worked. Are there any other tricks?
Do you have the Visual Studio Editor package enabled on unity?