Hi, i’m working on a 2d game and i’m using the unity profiler to check the game performance.
with the default setting vSync → Every V Blank i’m getting 60 to 38 fps, the most time the fps is over 48 to 60 but it has some pikes to the 38 or 37.
if i change the vSync to “Don’t Sync”, i got almost an over 100 fps.
i have checked the forums and internet, i know vsync will try to match the refresh rate of the screen and the gpu, and the waiting time in WaitingForFPS is because the cpu is waiting for the gpu, but my question is this:
a) my 2d game will be affected if i turn vsync off ?
b) if i turn the vsync off, the times of my coroutines will be affected and/or changed ?
c) there will be any consequence on my game and/or current code ?
thanks in advance for all your help.