VT is extremely unstable on Mac Editor

Unity constantly crashes on mac using virtual texturing.
I unfortunately can’t file a bug report as the project size is over 100gb…

Tested on 2022.1b11 and 2021.2f15

Edit: After disabling VT (which is not an option for our project), Unity is stable again, so I can confirm that VT causes instabilities in current Unity versions.

Here is the relevant part of an editor.log

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Hi @Onat-H ,

Are you on M1 or Intel? There is a known issue with VT on M1 machines which we’re currently investigating.

I’m on m1, but I tested both editor versions, and I have the same problem using the intel version on M1.

Is there a current workaround (that doesn’t involve disabling VT) until this is fixed? And is there an estimate when the fix will land?

We don’t have a fix yet so I can’t share an estimate. Unfortunately, I’m not aware of a workaround.

Well, then I hope you find one soon :smile: Do you have an issuetracker link so I can track this? Thank you!

The case is being tracked internally only at the moment but I’ll update you when I know more or when it becomes available on the Issue Tracker.

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Thhanks, but it seems this was fixed in 2022.1b12. Everything is mostly stable now!
I guess that VT just amplified this Bug (as it wasn’t rare at all but rather all the time…):

  • macOS: Fixed rare crash in GameView pointing to BufferMetal::IsBusy. (1405248)

Just for comparison: I couldn’t even launch Unity anymore depending on which scene I was in, and there was a 50-80% chance that opening another scene crashed the editor. Now I had no crash since yesterday when I updated.

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Well, that’s great to hear. Glad the issue seems to be fixed for you.