Vuforia - Object remain in same position and should not follow Image Target when Image Target moved.

Im finding it difficult to find a solution for the below quesion. I tried several hours digging google. No luck so far.

Question: I would like the augmented 3D Model to appear on top of the image and once the image is moved the 3D object should remain in the same position and should not move along with the Image.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advanced.

Finally cracked it.

  1. Enable Extended Tracking in Vuforia.
  2. Also,I have disabled the ontrackinglost function. Usually, on tracking lost function, will make the gameobject hidden.
  3. Important: To make the object remain according to the camera co-ordinates along with extended tracking we need to use additional math smoothing scripts. I followed this Vuforia thread

Hope it might be useful to someone who is struglling with the same or similar situation.

There are 2 solutions to achieve the output as you want. But…

Very IMP: What you are trying to do is not an Augmented reality, Its just 3D rendering and you can do the same without using vuforia not even marker too. you can just use Image processing (OpenCV)

Solution 1: select the ARCamera in your Scene, and set the World Center Mode (in the Inspector) to CAMERA (instead of FIRST_TARGET) [while doing same your child must not be child of ImageTarget]

Solution 2: Inspect the ImageTargets TrackableBehaviour at runtime, then get the Transform component of it, and extract the position and orientation from that Transform, in World Coordinates (i.e. using Transform.position and Transform.rotation):

You can then set the position and orientation of your Object by deriving it from the one of the Trackable (You have to write custom script for this).

But its not an AR in any view because its look somehow like this. - YouTube

Correct solution is:

1 - Select the ImageTarget you have placed in the scene.

2 - In the Inspector, go to the Script component Image Target Behaviour and activate the property: Enable Extended Tracking

Best Luck!