Vulkan renderer preview feedback thread

This thread is intended for feedback and discussion regarding the recently released Vulkan renderer preview ( Unity Blog ).

Have a problem? Got some feedback? Post it here!

I got it a build running. But I think the compiler is not mature enough or simply vulkan does not allow these things, because there are multiple errors thrown when compiling a pretty complex grass shader. It throws out bunch of errors. Here is a list of them:

'out; must be an array: undefined 146
'out; must be an array: cullDistance 147
'scalar swizzle' : not supported with this profile: es 150
'assign' : |-value required (can't modify a const) 166
'gl_ClipDistance' left of left of '[' is not of type array, matrix or vector 166
'gl_ClipDistance' : undeclared identifier 166
'phase3_gl_TessLevelOuter' : left of '[' is not of type array, matrix or vector 166
'phase3_gl_TessLevelOuter' : undeclared identifier 166

Should I file a bug report?


Thanks for testing! This looks like a bug in the shader compiler. Please test it first with GLCore renderer as well (my guess is that it might fail there as well), and either way, please file a bug report with a repro.


GLCore is known not to work as well. But all right, I will file the bug report.

Then it is very likely that this is the same exact issue, caused by the shader compiler because both vulkan and gl use hlslcc for translation. Thanks for reporting it though, we’ll take a look.

Umm, I kinda can’t use cutout shaders on Android deploy. All the textures have alpha checked, it doesn’t use Graphics job and still cutout shaders don’t, well, cutout.

Hmm cutouts should work… which device are you testing it on? Does this also happen on Windows standalone when targeting Vulkan? In any case, please file a bug with repro project and we’ll check it out.

It happens on 2 android devices and in Android editor, nothing of that happens while targeting standalone. Gotta file a bug report now…

EDIT: figured out what was the problem, it didn’t work because of “Alpha is transparency” turned on. Had to disable it. Strange.

Builds and Starts up OK then stalls with a ‘grayish’ screen post Unity Logo.

App Log File (above)

Windows 10 PC latest AMD drivers, a quick one default cube test scene/project seems to work OK?

Was this with Graphics Jobs on or off? The error saying VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST seems kinda fatal =). Can you send us a small repro project where this happens?

Intel Xeon E3-1231
8Gbyte RAM
Geforce GTX 750 Ti
Windows 7 Pro

What should I say? I had almost no compatibility issues after migrating from 5.3.6. The overall performance with everything left at default (no graphics jobs) is in our project around 10-20fps higher. The overall look is far smoother. Way less z-buffer issues and very nice shadows. Conclusion: GREAT JOB FOLKS! Can’t await to get my hands dirty with a more stable version.

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Awesome! Is this on desktop standalone, or on Android? If desktop, which graphics API were you using previously?

Graphic Jobs Off.
As stated a simple test scene works.

It looks like it might not be terminal just a recoverable hiccup.

OK It’s when I use the default instance shader, even on a few cubes it crashes.

Okay, please file a bug with a repro project and we’ll take a look.

Desktop and DX11.

Case 837045 raised.

Yep, this was indeed the same case, and I finally got around to take a look at it. There were a few fixes needed to the shader compiler (and the fixes are in the process of trickling down to 5.5 and 5.4), but the content also has some problems: the domain shader outputs triangles, while the geometry shader takes points in. DX11 seems to silently ignore this, but both OpenGL and Vulkan implementations, if they wish to be conformant, have to detect and reject these cases. The shaders need to be reworked somewhat so that either the domain shader outputs points or the geometry shader takes in triangles; I didn’t look into the shader any further than that.

Here’s what I’ve gathered so far:

  • NVidia GPU renders just fine.
  • On my AMD GPU I’m not getting any errors, but the cubes are not rendered either.

I’ll have to investigate this a bit further. Thanks for the report!

I found an annoying bug. Vulkan tends to mess up some image effects in built version of the game. Applied 2 screenshots, one of editor and other of build. Notice how bloom (from cinematic image effects) is messed up.