Vungle causes mouse to stop working when using Cursor.visible = false

I have added Vungle to my game. Everything works as expected, except the mouse?

When entering game play I set Cursor.visible = false to hide the cursor, however I don’t lock the cursor since it is still needed for movement. This works fine, until I initialize Vungle. After than the mouse will only work when the cursor is visible.

Any ideas?

Is this Windows Standalone or Windows Store app?

This is with Windows Store on Windows 10.

Some other updates:
1 - Repro with Vungle Init is about 20%, repro after playing a video ad is 100%
2 - I tried to keep the Cursor visible and change the texture to a transparent icon, even that was 100% repro
3 - If I don’t change the cursor then everything works fine.

I filed a bug report Case 793671 with a repro project based on the Vungle demo app and repro steps.

Thanks for report, I’ll ask our QA to look into it.