Vungle vs Microsoft Ads

Hi guys.
I want to know how many of you preferred Microsoft Ads instead of Vungle Ads.
Players from my game are from very different locations outside US and its hard to get some revenue from ads.
7k Request Ads and only 1k Showed in Microsoft Ads 3-4 day.
In Vungle i cannot get this stats, only ads Showed, same game, 20-30 ads showed each day.
0€ revenue in both case.

Kind regards.

We use Vungle only right now.

I can share that with that amount of requests, you should make more money indeed.

  1. What’s your biggest country? We are quite spread aswell and it seems to perform to some point.
  2. What OS are your users coming from? We only make money on Win 10 & Win 10 Mobile. Win 8.1 and WinPhone 8.1 is dead in terms of rev, eventhough we see good downloads.
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Hi! thank you for comment!

  1. I think the problem is in my biggest country, Vietnam and Argentina, only a 10% from USA.
  2. 95% Windows Phone 8.1 and 5% Windows 10
    Well, its recommended then to launch an update only for windows 10 and stop to provide support to windows 8.1?
    Could be interested for ASO? Could be possible if microsoft get best rate for games for wp10 only?

I see a lot of games in Android Store, with a great violation of copyright, using admob. If you try to use unity ads, or other provider, with a minimal graphics issue or keyword releated of something with copyright, google remove your app. If you use admob, then its no problem. Could be a hidden rule…

Hehe, thank you for share information.
I see with my app with Microsoft Ads, last week 9k request of ads, and 1600 impression, estimated revenue 0.09€
Same app, a few days ago using Vungle, i cannot see request of ads, but i set static from last 30 days, and see Views 97 Ads completed 85, Revenue 0.00€ xD

Apologize about my english.
Conclusion: Could be interesting to update our apps for only windows phone 10? I have in others same data, 90% installs from Wp 8.1

Kind regards.
p.d.: This is our best app Microsoft Apps and the only one with all downloads from USA, but 0 ads request.

I wouldn’t drop WP8.1 support if you have so many downloads.
75% of all Windows Phones are based on WP8.1 (number is from some blog post at ).

We might take a look at soon, if you find the chance to look at it and report back how it goes, that would be highly appreciated :slight_smile:

Also you could consider writing Adduplex, if you get access to their paid program (don’t have any real numbers on that though).

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