You should keep shorter, as i understood you want a real AI that have reinforcement learning capatibilities, and reinforcement learning isnt easy task for beginers. Unless you already have experience in unity and AIs, do something smaller or you will not finish this game if keeping ambitious stuff in.
This week was slower… usually my ones always have a fixed time of 7 days, but i guess i know why yours not. By coding good stuff i guess the reason of your slower week is that you made a hole in reality that caused the earth spin faster and cause a smaller week. lol
You should keep shorter, as i understood you want a real AI that have reinforcement learning capatibilities, and reinforcement learning isnt easy task for beginers. Unless you already have experience in unity and AIs, do something smaller or you will not finish this game if keeping ambitious stuff in.
I didn’t quit mean full machine learning think RainWorld (if you’ve played that) which saying that makes it sound very ambitious. but I do feel the game will benefit from this I will keep in mind that by no means am I a professional and I will cut corners on the ai where I can but as far as I know none of the other things, I’ve got planed are scope creep.
This week was slower… usually my ones always have a fixed time of 7 days, but i guess i know why yours not. By coding good stuff i guess the reason of your slower week is that you made a hole in reality that caused the earth spin faster and cause a smaller week. lol
All I meant was I couldn’t work as much as I wanted last week lol
Well now i got noticed that StarSilver is developing the codes for the game and Starfall is doing the art and sounds… the game should be called “Star quest” or something like for the stars there lol (or stay the name of the game as is, better) idk if i should join im developer3244
Week 12
wow it’s been three months since we started this project and honestly it doesn’t feel like it’s been that long I’m still working on the Ai (not real artificial intelligence but for some reason Ai is the term I use for NPC’s that aren’t humanoid is that just me?) I keep getting distracted I just thought making the code for Ai would be more fun. Sometimes things aren’t as they seem sigh.
Anyway, I wanted to take this milestone (for me most time I’ve spent on one project) to ask for advice should I have made a steam page already and if so why if not now when I want to hear opinions.
I also would like to know if I’m doing the right thing for awareness building that’s kind of why I made this form page. I made it to keep me motivated to, but I want this game to succeed when it comes out, I have a discord account and I’ve been trying to join discords to build awareness I put the link to this page on my discord about me section (I’m so sneaky) I don’t know if I should even worry about awareness building at this stage, and
I also want to know if I should be posting more, only when I have something to show or if how I’m doing it is good (wish I could make poles right now)
I feel like I have more to say but I guess I’ll update the post if so but like all way feedback is very appreciated.
I didnt poted nothing in two weeks because i didnt had nothing to post. I could say perhaps that im trying out mobile game development, switching my computer, learning to use GIMP, but there is not stuff for this thread at all. I dont pretend to switch for godot. Back to wasd, it really looks that you is slowing down the development of the game, e.g., in week 2 you developed biomes, trees, etc. and this week you essentially said “i was doing other stuff and almost made nothing in game”
Im 100% sure you didnt even saw the course i mentioned, so i will just say one thing that can help: the course says about vertical slices. That is just get what the game cannot stand without, wipe out rest, and showcase the UIs, gameplay, etc. Do just what the game need, do something playable, and you can finish with something that can give you feedback, encouragement, and will be a milestione anyaway
yeah I have slowed down I guess I’m at a roadblock with the npcs I know I should probably go simpler I can’t figure out how to do pathfinding I can’t use unity’s nav mesh system for it because you have to bake it before the start which I can’t do because the worlds made on start can’t bake what’s not there.
I skimmed over it lol. I will actually look at it this time and I know the vertical chunk thing I feel like for the game to be playable I need to have some npcs (animals) a few more crafting recipes (this will be easy because of the system I have for it) and Ui, texture, model upgrades thanks for your feedback.
I have tried to make more progress I’ve run into a weird bug. I have use StartCoroutine(CheckSuroundings());
then in check Surroundings I Start an animation that just makes the animals spin around and move their heads this all works fine but then I have
Look(); // method for ray casting and figuring out if what was seen is dangers
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
the problem is it only calls it once even though it’s in a while loop
I think maybe I can’t use WaitForEndOfFrame I’ll update this if I find the problem
Edit* fixed it I changed it to WaitForNextFrameUnit
Week 16
ok this month I will just admit it I kind of slacked off I used to keep a schedule of what I should do every day something along the lines of at 3pm - 7pm game dev, 8pm draw, stuff like that and after every week I would make my schedule on Sunday except one sunday 2 - 5 weeks ago (I forgot when) I didn’t make my schedule so I decided not to do a schedule that week or after that or after that… However, it’s clear to me now that I need to keep track of my time.
This week I had things to do on Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday and you get the point.
Ok so DND (Dungeons and Dragons (they don’t call it DAD because that kind of sounds dumb)) is the literal best game of all time (not even an exaggeration)
I don’t know if you are asking about in my game I’m making or if DND has Ai stuff. If DND then no it’s a tabletop rpg
tabletop games may not be as fun as digital games where you caan have control and power form a beautifull world we create…
AI stuff in your game, are you managing it well?
Lol i guess you in the same trouble i found sometimes. Either you didnt “found the fun” or tried to do something you cant, in either case the result is you slowing down or crashing the game development. What about make AI based stuff simpler or try to avoid it? How many videos i showcased and you skimmered? Or you can also stop this project and try something simpler, in last case (dont do it pls)
I think I can manage the Ai the problems with the videos on YouTube is they all have one thing in common they use the NevMeshAgents and the problem with that is you have to bake it before run time and the world is procedurally generated on run time so can’t bake what’s not there a work around would be to not have a procedural world something we’ve considered but I feel like we might be losing something doing this I would like to know what you think
that’s kinda the point of DND you make the world I could give a quick rundown of how the game works
so one person is the game master gm for short DND calls it the dungeon master dm, so the dm spends like a long time minimum 3 weeks making the Campaign which is a series of adventures. Then after that the other player all make characters to play as in the story the dm has made usually high fantasy settings. And the play sessions are usually between 3 - 10 hours long (an absurd sounding amount of time to people who haven’t played) and usually there are more then 10 sessions. That concludes my terrible explanation of DND
you could look it up if you want or I’m sure someone you know has played it
I dont want to feel extreme unsmart, but is dnd a game engine?
In Mine opinion, is better for you to have a world generation than a nav mesh agent. If those videos arent helpfull than you need to do something coders need to get good on: try to do a creative solution and good Luck.
Edit: writing on mobile Just get worse with the auto correction Tool XD
No lol this is what I get for being terrible at describing things. It’s a pin and paper game you and you frainds sit around a table while one of you have made a story that the others play in
Yeah I have gotten them walking now they look around and if they see something they run from it till they are at a certain distance away and stop. So not that great and there’s somethings to work out but I’ll get it.
I made small research and it seems that DnD is a game where you need to create the history and play with it. Get unity, use your Dnd storytelling abilities, make a game, and you get as rich as the ones that created it lol. DnD seems a very boring game… (or is me that almost never plays RPGs)
For someone that was some weeks unable to make them move is a milestone. At least you can use this as a base for living stuff, and start making your game again.