W.I.P. FP walk around Gallery (my first game)

Hi Uniteers,

This is my first game (gam-ish, game). Its a FP walk around art gallery, its not finished yet. I am not precious so if you took the time to look let me know what you think. in my experience I’ve learnt more from constructive negative comments than praise. If you don’t want to be the guy leaving negative comments on the forum PM me. speak your mind!

thanks in advance for your time.

Its a .zip 50mb and expands to 200-ish mb
Intel and standalone version at this link:


If you see something I missed in my lists below or know a solution, let me know.

to do list:

-Beach and waves outside.
-Add reflections on moveable furniture.
-Bake light on fire extinguishers.
-spell check
-add map (web address on map are wrong)
-add menu and splash screen.
-add Sound.
-reflection in “general theory room” needs work.
-quick player tutorial.
-Pause as player views Info on paintings(+zoom option)
-Clean up config. dialogue box
-disable jump and slow movement.
-fill behind black steps
-Remove cursor

known gliches:

-the everything slows when you touch where the windows meet.
-If I stand between the swing doors as they close my FPW gets stuck.
-I seem to catch on the skirting at the tops of stairs.


The art is great. The museum/gallery is very realistic! Overall, I think you have an awesome thing going. However, you ask for criticism! As such…


  1. Clean up the unused inputs in the Configuration screen, as that makes things look cluttered. Give the ones you are using more accurate names.

  2. Disable jumping and slow down the movement and look speed. This isn’t a twitch shooter. I think this would expand the amount of people who could actually view this as a portfolio. Jumping just seems like more clutter.

  3. Use this code to get rid of the pointer. I know that you currently can mouse over the “I” icon and click it, but I think you should get rid of that ability. Standard first-person controls and point-and-click don’t mix. I find the cursor to be distracting and misleading. Just make the user aware of what the info key is. I think you’re handling that pretty well already.

Screen.showCursor = false;
  1. Fill in the empty space under the black steps. Everything else (except the cool teleportation nova) has a nice realistic feel (fire extinguishers, pipes, etc.). Having these steps “floating” in mid-air kind of breaks the illusion.

What you have here has potential appeal for all kinds of people. Definitely do the things you listed as intentions, as that will make this even more amazing, but try not to alienate casual users. I actually think Unity portfolios are going to start becoming popular, for people who do general artistic things, but have a focus on gaming. The more polished an experience you can make this for any given person, the better. Great job! :smile:

Cheers jessy
Thats exactly what I am looking for.
I agree with all your comments. I always meant to get rid of the cursor. I forgot about jumping, its not necessary. And back to the drawing board with the steps.
When your working on something for a while its hard to see the wood for the trees.
Thanks for the perspective!

Hey Connor

I havent had a chance to look at it yet, but with steps, Ive found its good to have an invisible ramp, as it makes for smoother collision detection. Prevents getting caught.


Cheers Targos, I have been doing that (for most of them). The problem is only when I am hugging the wall while going up the stairs and its caused by the skirting board. I can think of a few solutions but its not a huge problem.