w Key - Character Jumps

I found the solution to this problem. The mesh Collider on the character was causing the movement issue but what about the cursor?

When I press the W key, my character
seems to move along the Y axis and not
X or Z. Im using a free version of
unity, and I have no custom scripts.

  • I have a Sphere (Character)
  • Main Cam is a child of Character
  • Character has:
    • Character Controler
    • Character Motor
    • FPS Input Controller
    • Mouse Look Script

All these are standard scripts that came with my unity install.

The other problem I have is that the script is not hiding my cursor:

#pragma strict

function Start () {
	Screen.showCursor = false;
	Screen.lockCursor = true;

function Update () {


I have done this in JS and C#.
I have also tried to build the project and then test it, still didn’t work.

I’m new to unity, so any help or advice is appreciated.

You must use the two lines inside the Update() function. Like this:

#pragma strict
function Start () {

function Update () {
    Screen.showCursor = false;
    Screen.lockCursor = true;

I hope I helped. :slight_smile: Cheers, happy developing!