I found the solution to this problem. The mesh Collider on the character was causing the movement issue but what about the cursor?
When I press the W key, my character
seems to move along the Y axis and not
X or Z. Im using a free version of
unity, and I have no custom scripts.
- I have a Sphere (Character)
- Main Cam is a child of Character
- Character has:
- Character Controler
- Character Motor
- FPS Input Controller
- Mouse Look Script
All these are standard scripts that came with my unity install.
The other problem I have is that the script is not hiding my cursor:
#pragma strict
function Start () {
Screen.showCursor = false;
Screen.lockCursor = true;
function Update () {
I have done this in JS and C#.
I have also tried to build the project and then test it, still didn’t work.
I’m new to unity, so any help or advice is appreciated.