Wait action

if(hit.transform.name == “bplay2”
// how do i make it so it ill execute next line 2 seconds after i click it
target = targetdirt;


              if(hit.transform.name == "bplay2")
				SwitchToPlayMode ();				
				//yield WaitForSeconds(0);
              //	target = targetplaymode;
	function SwitchToPlayMode ()
      yield WaitForSeconds(2);
      target = targetplaymode;

I. create a “WaitForSeconds” methode:

IEnumerator Wait(float seconds) 
Debug.Log("Before Waiting");
yield return new WaitForSeconds(seconds);
Debug.Log("After Waiting "+seconds.ToString()+" Seconds");

II. place here(“// how do i make it so it ill execute next line 2 seconds after i click it”):


III. place your stuff wich should work after the 2 seconds in the “Wait” methode after the “WaitForSeconds”