Wait for a second without using Coroutine

Hello! I am trying to make a script that allows the player to take a screen shot, then notifies them of it.
I have created this script here:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class ScreenShotScript : MonoBehaviour {

public Text screenshotText;
public float textShow = 10f;

void Start () {
	screenshotText.enabled = false;

void Update () {
	if(Input.GetButtonDown("Screenshot")) {

void ScreenShot() {
	Application.CaptureScreenshot ("Screenshot.png");

	screenshotText.enabled = true;
	//Right here is where it would wait for 10 seconds
	screenshotText.enabled = false;



The problem is, whenever I try to make it wait so then the players sees the message then it disappears, I get an error trying to use corountine. Is there anyone who can help me? Thanks!

You need to use an IEnumerator for a coroutine. After that you can use a new yield waitforseconds. This is how the manual handles it.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class WaitForSecondsExample : MonoBehaviour
    void Start()
// Start the coroutine - enter the name of the IEnumerator

    IEnumerator Example()
        // Code before the pause
        yield return new WaitForSeconds( 5 ); // Wait or a number of seconds
        // Code after the pause

Alternatively, you could use Invoke to wait a couple of seconds before calling a Method.

void Start(){
        Invoke("Screenshot", 5f); // Name of the method and time before it calls

void Screenshot(){
      // Your code which gets called after 5 minutes

Does this work ?

public float wait;
private float waitTime;

void Update() {
waitTime = Time.time + wait;
while (Time.time < waitTime)