I have a animated rifle that I am trying to script into playing correctly. The script I have wrote tells the animation to play if the LMB is clicked, this works but I can rapidly click the button without waiting for the animation to finish. How could I make my gun only play the animation when it is not being played to start with?
Here’s another way to do this. This is the one I use for my game:
GameObject objectToAnimate;
void Start()
objectToAnimate = GameObject.Find("objectName"); // Just in case is an external object
void StartAndWaitAnimation(string animationName)
IEnumerator PlayAnimationAsync(string animationName)
objectToAnimate.animation[animationName].wrapMode = WrapMode.Once; // choose your wrapping mode
yield return new WaitForSeconds(objetToAnimate.animation[animationName].lenght); //This does the magic
//Do the stuff after the animation ends
This way you separate your code from your animation design, so the code takes care of the order and execution, instead having lots of triggers on your animations. Just a point of view.