Wait For seconds isn't compatible with void update()?

Right, so I’m trying to make a rough turn-based RPG inside unity. My code currently looks like this;

///<summary>The folowing code outlines the functions and routines that make up the battle system,
///to begin with the program fetches the stats of the enemy and the player (HP, MP, Strength
///and resislience) and makes them the value of their respective varibles. 
///The main loop can then begin, the progam will first check the HP values of both parties
///player first, to determine wether their has been a win or a loss.
/// A "coin" is then tossed to decide turn order, if the coin "lands" on "heads" 
/// the player can take their action first on that turn. </summary>

//Libaries are called here.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class Battle_System : MonoBehaviour
    //Defintion of public varibles
    public Text BattleLog; //The battle log, tells the player what's happening.
    public Text HPCount; //The HP count, shows the remaining HP of the player.
    public Button Slash; //The button for the slash action, dose a physical attack
    //Player Stats
    public int P_HP;
    public int P_MP;
    public int P_Strength;
    public int P_Resilience;

    //Enemy Stats
    public int E_HP;
    public int E_MP;
    public int E_Strength;
    public int E_Resilience;

    //Definiton of private varibles
    private int coin; //The coin that'll be tossed before each round
    private int damage; //How much damage a target takes from an attack, used in calculations

    //Defintion of functions

    //Hides or shows the player's action buttons

    //Initiates the varibles
    void Start()
        //Explains to the player that they've encountered an enemy.
        BattleLog.text = ("Enemy approaches...");
        //Gives the player's stats a value
        P_HP = 20;
        P_MP = 10;
        P_Strength = 5;
        P_Resilience = 2;

        //Gives the Enemy's stats a value
        E_HP = 12;
        E_MP = 10;
        E_Strength = 5;
        E_Resilience = 2;

        // Tells the player their current HP
        HPCount.text = ("HP: " + P_HP);

        //Sets the existance of the Action buttons (Slash, Cast, Examine, and Satchel)
        //to false to stop the player spamming it and messing up the game

    //The Main Loop
    void Update()
        // The program waits 5 seconds to allow the player to read the battle log

        //The HP of both parties are checked to dermine whether the battle has been won or lost
        if (P_HP <= 0)
            //Player has no HP, player loses
            BattleLog.text = "You Lose...";
        else if (E_HP <= 0)
            BattleLog.text = "You Win!";

        //Only goes through the following if both sides have HP remaining
            //The coin is flipped to detrmine the turn order for this round.
            coin = Random.Range(0, 2);
            Debug.Log("Coin=" + coin);
            if (coin == 0)
                //Heads, player gose first
                BattleLog.text = "Your turn";

            else if (coin == 1)
                //Tails, enemy dose first
                BattleLog.text = "Enemy's turn";

As you can see I have a battle log (which is just a UI text box), the text of which changes as the battle progresses, the problem is that the text is changing far too fast for the player to read. In the documentation I learned that there’s a method called “wait for seconds”, but it doesn’t seem to get along with void update(), any fixes?

Wait for seconds is intended to be used in coroutines. It won’t work in the regular Update method.
Check coroutines tutorial for more info.
For processing a desired code in update you need to check for time.Time. Not tested code:

    float _interval = 1f;
    float _lastTime;

    void Start() 
      _lastTime = Time.time;
    void Update() 
       if (Time.time > _lastTime + _interval) {
         _lastTime = Time.time;
        //run the code you want to run in _interval (every second in this case)