Wait Random time then play animation

Hey everyone,

Hoping this is a simple one but its got me stumped.

Im making a simple 2d games and I want my characters to blink occasionally. So I need to create a sprite animation and then have the animator wait a random amount of time and then play the blink animation.

What I’ve tried so far is making a blink animation and then created this script to play the animation however this did not work

public class WaitAndPlayAnim : MonoBehaviour {

	public float randomWait;

	void Start()
		StartCoroutine ("WaitSeconds"); //wait random seconds for animation
	IEnumerator WaitSeconds () 
			var randomWait = Random.Range(0, 6);
			Debug.Log ("wait " + randomWait + " Seconds"); 
			yield return new WaitForSeconds(randomWait);


He try this code its work for me…
Comment if occurred any issue

bool playAnim = true; // var for boolean

 void Update(){
     if (playAnim)
         StartCoroutine(WaitAnim()); //wait random seconds for animation
 public IEnumerator WaitAnim()
     playAnim = false;              
     int randomWait = Random.Range(0, 10);                
     print ("Time" + randomWait + " Play"); //debug                
     yield return new WaitForSeconds(randomWait);                
      animation.Play("Blink");;  //Put your animation string
     playAnim = true;             

I had to modify this code to get it to work in Unity 2017. This code worked for me.

 public IEnumerator WaitAnim()
        playAnim = false;
        int randomWait = Random.Range(0, 5);
        print("Time" + randomWait + " Play"); //debug                
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(randomWait);
        anim.Play("Blink", -1, 0f);  //Put your animation string
        playAnim = true;