Waiting for the Editor to compile

I’ve been using Unity for over a year now full time x2.

Does anyone else think that the little small icon at the bottom of the editor isn’t enough to show the user the editor is updating.
I find often times I start trying to do something but the editor is of course frozen. So its a bit annoying.
I honestly I would rather a huge window pop up saying Updating or something. Cause you have to wait for it to finish anyways.
My monitors are 22.3 inches. So I don’t exactly roam my eyes to the bottom right of the screen every time I pull up the editor or going back and forth from my IDE to the editor.

Just wanted to bring this conversation up.

For anyone who is confused at first like I was: updating = compiling, not downloading an editor update.

Personally, I don’t have a problem with it. However I typically work on smaller projects, so compiling doesn’t take more than ~5 seconds usually.

Lmao. ya I didn’t know if that was an actual state of compiling or not. But ya compiling takes up to 5 seconds for me too.
Often times I’ll forget I did any changes then click on the editor and it be frozen. Idk makes me go ehhh…

so its not really the time frame its just the annoying of forgetting and clicking and trying to do something.

Wonder if its possible to make a plugin that does that with a fast window that pops up.

Sure, you can do it with editor scripting. I wouldn’t do a pop up though, it could get convoluted. Maybe an image / overlay on the scene window or something.