Waiting until rate dialog show up

Hi there!

I really wondering how to show some image to wait until a rating on iOS dialog is show up
basically when I call “Device.RequestStoreReview()” on iOS devices
it take about 30-50 second to show a rating dialog and the most is so long…

so I would like to show something before rating dialog is show up
because normally when I call that Device.RequestStoreReview()
it seem to be freeze or nothing happen, sometime I thought it crashed or not working.

anyone have any idea?


You should investigate why it takes that long to show up. Because I doubt that a user will wait that long, even if you have a loading image/animation. Except if you promise then a gift in exchange (but Apple won’t like that, probably).

If you really want to show something, just display what you want just before calling the RequestStoreReview. I would expect this prompt to trigger OnApplicationPause, which could be used to hide your loading image.

Calling that function doesn’t guarantee that the prompt will be shown at all as it’s rate limited.

See docs.

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