Wall jump push force

I followed a tutorial about implementing a wall jump but one thing that doesn’t work is getting the character pushed on the opposite side of the wall when pressing the jump button. As it is, character is only jumping on the y axis upwards on the wall. I read a possible solution that my move code in the FixedUpdate is overriding my wall jumping code. I tried to set a condition to run the move code only if isWallJumping bool is false but to no avail. I have no idea what to try next.

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;

public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour {

    public Animator animator;

    public Rigidbody2D rb;
    public float speed;
    private float moveInput;
    public float jumpForce;
    public float maxFallVelocity = -20;

    private bool isGrounded;
    public Transform feetPos;
    public float checkRadius;
    public LayerMask whatIsGround;

    private float jumpTimeCounter;
    public float jumpTime;
    private bool isJumping;

    IEnumerator dashCoroutine;
    bool isDashing;
    bool canDash = true;
    float normalGravity;

    bool isTouchingFront;
    public Transform frontCheck;
    bool wallSliding;
    public float wallSlidingSpeed;
    public bool wallJumping;
    public float xWallForce;
    public float yWallForce;
    public float wallJumpTime;

    private bool facingRight = true;


    void Start()

        rb = GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>();
        normalGravity = rb.gravityScale;


    void Update()
        Debug.Log("The velocity in the Y-axis is: " + rb.velocity.y);
            isGrounded = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(feetPos.position, .2f, whatIsGround);


            if (moveInput > 0 && facingRight == false)
            else if (moveInput < 0 && facingRight == true)

            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && rb.velocity.y == 0)
                rb.AddForce(Vector2.up * 700f);

            if (Mathf.Abs(moveInput) > 0 && rb.velocity.y == 0)
                animator.SetBool("Running", true);
                animator.SetBool("Running", false);

            if (rb.velocity.y == 0)
                animator.SetBool("Jumping", false);
                animator.SetBool("Falling", false);

            if (rb.velocity.y > 0.2)
                animator.SetBool("Jumping", true);

            if (rb.velocity.y < 0)
                animator.SetBool("Jumping", false);
                animator.SetBool("Falling", true);

            if (isDashing && moveInput > 0)
                animator.SetBool("Dashing", true);
            else if (isDashing && moveInput < 0)
                animator.SetBool("Dashing", true);
                animator.SetBool("Dashing", false);
            // Jumping

            if (isGrounded == true && Input.GetButtonDown("Jump"))
                isJumping = true;

                jumpTimeCounter = jumpTime;
                rb.velocity = Vector2.up * jumpForce;
            if (Input.GetButton("Jump") && isJumping == true)
                if (jumpTimeCounter > 0)
                    rb.velocity = Vector2.up * jumpForce;
                    jumpTimeCounter -= Time.deltaTime;
                    isJumping = false;

            if (Input.GetButtonUp("Jump") && rb.velocity.y > 0)
                isJumping = false;
                rb.velocity = new Vector2(rb.velocity.x, 0f);


            // DASHING
            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Dash") && canDash == true)
                if (dashCoroutine != null)
                dashCoroutine = Dash(.4f, .5f);

            // Wall Jumping

            isTouchingFront = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(frontCheck.position, .2f, whatIsGround);

            if (isTouchingFront == true && isGrounded == false && moveInput != 0)
                wallSliding = true;
                wallSliding = false;
            if (wallSliding)
                rb.velocity = new Vector2(rb.velocity.x, Mathf.Clamp(rb.velocity.y, -wallSlidingSpeed, float.MaxValue));

            if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && wallSliding == true)
                wallJumping = true;
                Invoke("SetWallJumpingToFalse", wallJumpTime);

            if (wallJumping == true)
                rb.velocity = new Vector2(xWallForce * -moveInput, yWallForce);


    private void FixedUpdate()

            moveInput = Input.GetAxisRaw("Horizontal");
            if (wallJumping == false)
                rb.velocity = new Vector2(moveInput * speed, rb.velocity.y);
        if (isDashing && moveInput > 0)
            rb.AddForce(new Vector2(1f * 130, 0), ForceMode2D.Impulse);
        if (isDashing && moveInput < 0)
            rb.AddForce(new Vector2(1f * -130, 0), ForceMode2D.Impulse);
    IEnumerator Dash(float dashDuration, float dashCooldown)
        Vector2 originalVelocity = rb.velocity;
        isDashing = true;
        canDash = false;
        rb.gravityScale = 0;
        rb.velocity = new Vector2(originalVelocity.x, 0);
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(dashDuration);
        isDashing = false;
        rb.gravityScale = normalGravity;
        rb.velocity = new Vector2(originalVelocity.x, 0);
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(dashCooldown);
        canDash = true;

    void Flipper()
        transform.localScale = new Vector3(-transform.localScale.x, transform.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z);
        facingRight = !facingRight;
    void SetWallJumpingToFalse()
        wallJumping = false;

I partially fixed the problem by removing the need to move in other to wall Cling:
In line 161 I changed:

if (isTouchingFront == true && isGrounded == false && moveInput != 0)


if (isTouchingFront == true && isGrounded == false)

thus removing the need to move left or right in order to cling to a wall.