wall moving and changing direction


For quite some time and with a lot of work, I try in vain to realize a C # script allowing to obtain a moving wall (scale on a growing single side) and where each time a key is pressed, the wall continues to advance at the same speed but by changing the angle of direction.
In this video clip from the movie Tron:
video link:

the wall behind each motorcycle looks like what I want to achieve on Unity with the difference that the angle of change of direction is not 90 ° or -90 °. It can be predefined by the instruction:

public float angle;

Here my main code but never success:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

//pourquoi argument out of range exception ?

public class avec_new_itere_bis : MonoBehaviour
    int q = 0;

    public float angle_objet_initial, angle_Spawn2;
    double dadaZ1 = 0;
    public float vitesse_scale_Spawn2, rot_x, rot_y, rot_z;
    public Mesh[] myMesh = new Mesh[10];
    public GameObject Objet1;
    double tmp = 0;
    float angle;
    Vector3 VSum = Vector3.zero;
    Vector3 V;
    //Vector3 pos;

    List<GameObject> ObjectList;
    List<double> dadaZ;
    List<double> capt_temps;
    List<Vector3> ListVecteurs;

    List<double> Composante_X_de_somme_vectorielle;

    List<double> Composante_Z_de_somme_vectorielle;

    void Start()
        dadaZ = new List<double>();
        ObjectList = new List<GameObject>();
        capt_temps = new List<double>();
        ListVecteurs = new List<Vector3>();
        Composante_X_de_somme_vectorielle = new List<double>();
        Composante_Z_de_somme_vectorielle = new List<double>();



        capt_temps[0] = 0;

        //dadaZ[0] = dadaZ1;


    void Update()

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.I))


            while (q < 1)
                print("échelle_locale_z de l'objet initial  à  l'instantiation de son Spawn toto1 :" + dadaZ[0]);


            //VSum = V1;


            //double dadaZSum = 0;
            double SumVectorX = 0;
            double SumVectorZ = 0;

            VSum = Vector3.zero;
            capt_temps[q] = Time.time;
            dadaZ[q - 1] = vitesse_scale_Spawn2 * (capt_temps[q] - capt_temps[q - 1]);//dadaZ[0] pas défini ici dadaZ[q] défini pour q>=2

            //dadaZ[q] = vitesse_scale_Spawn2 * (Time.time - capt_temps[q - 1]);
            //dadaZ[q] = 1;//tous les Spawn se placent au même endroit
            angle = (q - 1) * angle_Spawn2;

            ObjectList[q] = new GameObject("toto" + q);


            Composante_X_de_somme_vectorielle.Add(dadaZ[q] * Mathf.Sin(angle_objet_initial + angle));
            Composante_Z_de_somme_vectorielle.Add(dadaZ[q] * Mathf.Cos(angle_objet_initial + angle));

            //ListVecteurs[q]= new Vector3((float)(dadaZ[q] * Mathf.Sin(angle_objet_initial + angle)), 0, (float)(dadaZ[q] * Mathf.Cos(angle_objet_initial + angle)));
            ListVecteurs.Add(new Vector3((float)(dadaZ[q - 1] * Mathf.Sin(angle_objet_initial + angle)), 0, (float)(dadaZ[q - 1] * Mathf.Cos(angle_objet_initial + angle))));

            foreach (Vector3 v in ListVecteurs)
                VSum += v;

            foreach (double X in Composante_X_de_somme_vectorielle)
                SumVectorX += X;


            foreach (double Z in Composante_Z_de_somme_vectorielle)
                SumVectorZ += Z;

            ObjectList[q].transform.position = VSum;// new Vector3((float)(dadaZ[q]* Mathf.Sin(angle_objet_initial+angle)),0, (float)(dadaZ[q]* Mathf.Cos(angle_objet_initial+angle)));

            ObjectList[q].transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(rot_x, rot_y + angle + angle_Spawn2, rot_z);

            ObjectList[q].transform.localScale = new Vector3((float)0.4, (float)6.975, 0);//le scale ne démarre pas à 0

            ObjectList[q].AddComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = myMesh[q];
            //ObjectList[p].AddComponent<scale_one_side>().vitesse_scale_Spawn = vitesse_scale_Spawn2;
            ObjectList[q].AddComponent<scale_to_0>().vitesse_scale_Spawn = vitesse_scale_Spawn2;
            Destroy(ObjectList[q - 1].GetComponent<scale_to_0>());

            print("échelle_locale_z du toto" + (q - 1) + " à l' instantiation de son Spawn toto" + q + " :" + dadaZ[q - 1]);


            print("comosante_x de position du toto" + q + " à l' instantiation de son Spawn toto" + (q + 1) + " :" + (float)(dadaZ[q - 1] * Mathf.Sin(angle_objet_initial + angle)));

            print("comosante_z de position du toto" + q + " à l' instantiation de son Spawn toto" + (q + 1) + " :" + (float)(dadaZ[q - 1] * Mathf.Cos(angle_objet_initial + angle)));


            print("comosante_somme_x de position du toto" + q + " à l' instantiation de son Spawn toto" + (q + 1) + " :" + (float)(dadaZ[q - 1] * Mathf.Sin(angle_objet_initial + angle)));

            print("comosante_somme_z de position du toto" + q + " à l' instantiation de son Spawn toto" + (q + 1) + " :" + (float)(dadaZ[q - 1] * Mathf.Sin(angle_objet_initial + angle)));


            /*while (q >= 2)
                print("échelle_locale_z du toto" + (q - 1) + " à l' instantiation de son Spawn toto" + q + " :" + dadaZ[q - 1]);





Here the second script:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class scale_one_side : MonoBehaviour
    public float vitesse_scale_Spawn;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        Vector3 pos = transform.localScale;

        pos.z = vitesse_scale_Spawn * (Time.time);//erreur:à l'instant où tu génères Spawn2,Time.time n'est pas nul
        transform.localScale = pos;


Here the third script:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class scale_to_0 : MonoBehaviour
    public float vitesse_scale_Spawn;
    List<double> capture_temps;
    double temps;
    int p = 0;
    int l;

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        //transform.localScale = new Vector3((float)0.4, (float)6.975, 0);//e scaleZ ne démarre pas à 0

        capture_temps = new List<double>();
        capture_temps[0] = Time.time;

       // transform.localScale = new Vector3((float)0.4, (float)6.975, 0);

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        Vector3 POS = transform.localScale;
        //pos.z = vitesse_scale_Spawn * (Time.time);
        // transform.localScale = new Vector3((float)0.4, (float)6.975, 0);
        //POS.z = (float)(vitesse_scale_Spawn * (Time.time - capture_temps[0]));

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.I))

            capture_temps[p] = Time.time;// - capture_temps[0];
            //transform.localScale = new Vector3((float)0.4, (float)6.975, 0);

            //pos.z = (float)(vitesse_scale_Spawn * (capture_temps[p] - capture_temps[p - 1]));//erreur:à l'instant où tu génères Spawn2,Time.time n'est pas nul

            for (l = 0; l <p; l++)
                print("scale_to_0 de l'objet :" + l + "=" + POS.z);
        //transform.localScale = new Vector3((float)0.4, (float)6.975, 0);

        POS.z = (float)(vitesse_scale_Spawn * (Time.time - capture_temps[p]));
        transform.localScale = POS; //avec  + newVector3((float)0.4)        ça génère faussement à partir d'une échelle nulle

Can you help me in this serious project?


What exactly is not working?

the first and main script but this project is too difficult for me.
Do you have an idea?