I want to switch my development platform from Windows to Linux. On System requirement page Unity only mention two variants of Ubuntu (Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 18.04.).
So, my question is this a good decision to move to Linux? And If move then which distro and which version will be best for me? I’m bit confused that Unity only mention two variants of Ubuntu. Thanks in advanced.
Generally speaking: no.
If you want to be productive: no.
If you don‘t mind being one of the few who use Linux and find it hard to get answers for Linux soecific issues, then maybe.
Switching to Linux should not be done lightheartedly, and with no simple way of going back. The best is actually to use a Virtual Machine with Linux on it so you can always go back to the original OS. And using Linux for editor largely only makes sense if your focus is on making and testing Linux builds.
Keep in mind that on Linux you are forced to either a subpar code editor or pay for Rider.
That‘s not to say that you can‘t have a great dev experience on Linux. But chances are much higher for issues to appear and not to get help for such issues. So you ought to have very good reasons for chosing Linux as your primary editing platform other than „because we can“ or „i hate windows / love linux“.
I have been using Unity almost exclusively on Linux for years and it works pretty well. I rarely had any Linux specific problem with Unity. I had a couple of crashes which I reported and where quickly fixed by the Unity devs. Overall I have far less problems on Linux than on Windows.
Officially supported distributions are Cent0S7, Rocky and Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04, 22.04, according to Unity’s instruction (see here). That means you will be fine with any distribution that is either Ubuntu or Red Hat based.
Everybody has a different favorite distribution. If you’re not sure what to choose then I can wholeheartedly recommend Linux Mint (Cinnamon edition). It is very stable, very easy to use and is based on Ubuntu. But there are many others that work just fine.
If you’re curious to see how different distributions can be then I recommend testing both Fedora and Fedora KDE (which is the main one I use). But Fedora is a bit less beginner friendly than Mint.
The only real problem I have with Unity on Linux is when trying to run older version of Unity on recent distributions. But if you stick to recent versions you will be fine.
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