Wanting to make a small game Start to Finish

Hey all unity members! Iv been working with unity for about 3 years now and using c# for about the same time. Im wanting to create a game for me to create start to finish but record my self doing the whole thing then upload it to youtube for all to learn from.
I was just wanting help coming up with a good genre or even a new idea. iv only got just about 24/48 hours to make this game. its kinda a ludum dare test for me to see if i can create a small but decent game with in the time limit.

Any input or ideas would be awesome!


What about a small medieval RTS game.

The map has some amount of castles. For each castle can summon a max amount of units. And it takes time to produce each unit.
Goal is to take all of the map’s castles.

A castle is taken when there aren’t more enemy units close by. And becomes ready to produce friendly units.

Clans start with their own castles, and units. And take their units to conquer each castle. But taking units to attack a castle leave your less castle protected, so you decide how many to leave behind, and how many for the attack.

You don’t even need art for the mockup. Castles can be boxes and units spheres.

The battle system can be very simple. When two units ‘touch’, they lock in place for X amount of time, and there’s a 50/50 chance one will destroy the other.

Later on, you can add experience to units for each battle, so the chance of winning is biased towards the more experienced. And you can lock more than two units into the same battle, biasing towards the more numerous.
This way you can have a very elite experienced unit that will likely win battles.

You can also have one unit be the king, and another unit be his heir. They can give surrounding units extra chance to win. King gives more morale than heir.
If king and heir both die, you lose the game. If only heir dies, the process of making a new heir takes some minutes. If king dies, heir becomes king after some minutes.

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I like this idea. Ill leave the post open for another day or so and ill select an idea i like the best. But so fair i like your RTS idea.

No, you have to do it! It was a deal! :@


Hahaha. We will see. I do like your idea and the chances of my doing it is high.
Ill even get a few assets ready to use when i start recording. because i think spheres and cubes for place holders are boring haha.

So ill start making a castle asset and some units.

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Good, good… everything is going according to my plans…>:)

But don’t make too much art, or you wont be able to do it in 48hs.

No its just place holder art. i just do not like using cubes and spheres for place holders. Ill submit an image soon

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These are my placeholders.
The thing at the side is a horse hehehe.


I have a random dungeon gen here is what I wanted to do. Hope to you see on board!

Swords,Axes,Dual Blades,Guns,Magic - There will be many weapons to use all with different effects damages and boosters!
Looking for people to help. PM me if interested!
Random Weapon Spawn
Random Weapon - Damage each spawn
Crafting weapons - with Random Effects speed block speed health damage etc
Weapon sockets - Socket your weapons with lost runes with random effects around the map.
Random Gen Map - Maps weapons spawns player spawn all random!
Armor - Craftable with random effects!
Armor Sockets - Put runes in your armor for effects!
So if your tired of games were you can become God and merk everything. This game is perfect for you! You can always get better!

So far
Random Spawn
Random Weapon Spawn

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You should try to make something like this.

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I like the castle rpg idea, but I’d emphasise the puzzle element by making it turn based on a grid (hex if you wanted it more complex but I was thinking grids for a first tutorial).

If you had time & wanted to you could add food management so troops can last a certain amount of time away from the castle before they start to die unless they collect some food items on the board. Once collected they respawn later after they have regrown. The more troops you have taken the more food you will need to collect, & because castles harvest food automatically there isn’t any growing to close to them.

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Cool! I also think some tiles should have resources such as wild boars,
, and other tiles should be rougher, like cold high mountains or with raiders that attack randomly, reducing the army’s strength when passing by.

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This should be fun.

Ok all well it looks like ill be going with the RTS idea. Ill post a youtube link to the work iv done once i start and my 48 hours are up!
Please keep in mind everyone that out of the 3 years of me using Unity3D i have never created an RTS so it should be pretty interesting how it turns out.

Some of the stuff i have created in unity how ever have been.

Dungeon Crawler(Still in the making).
Tower defence.

And randomly generated planets that you can land on.


But don’t make too much art, or you wont be able to do it in 48hs.[/QUOTE]

I freaking adore that idea. I love how the strategy forms.

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Would you guys rather me do a little tutorial on this? Or keep to my 48 hour timelapse?
Seems like quite a few people are interested in the idea so im happy to do a sort of tutorial series on the subject.

Since you are building this game for the first time, and doing it as a time challenge, don’t try to make it a tutorial. It will cut in to your time and isn’t really a tutorial. A tutorial is about teaching something you already know in a clean a structured way. Just do the time lapse and maybe some real time parts that you find interesting.

But definitely do a post-mortem sharing how it went, what challenges you had and what you learned. Looking forward to see how it turns out!

Good luck!


Yeah thats fair enough. Ok well ill post the time lapse when my times up.

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This sounds like an interesting project.

You may want to consider focusing on the easier to create types of games first and then work your way up the complexity list. From the Extra Credits video "Making Your First Game: Minimum Viable Product - Scope Small, Start Right" is this list:

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Ty for the video.